[FCLCA] Florida College Learning Center Association 2021 Update
Ronald Johnson
rjohnson at fau.edu
Fri Mar 12 16:06:11 EST 2021
Hello Florida!
We hope this email finds you in good health.
One year ago, Friday, March 13, 2020 an email was sent to you detailing information about the cancellation of our spring 2020 conference - along with other items as it related to the Florida College Learning Center Association (FCLCA) and the Coronavirus pandemic. As so much has transpired during this time, my sincere condolences to those who have experienced loss of coworkers, friends or family members. While we are still navigating through this difficult time, brighter days are on the horizon, Above all, you should be proud of the work you have done in being able to support your students toward academic success.
During the NCLCA 2021 Winter Conference, upcoming events were mentioned that we wanted to keep you informed about. As many of our institutions will be returning to full operation this summer/fall, it will be nice to hear from our colleagues across the state. Below are the upcoming events to help with this:
Monthly FCLCA Institutional Spotlight - The Monthly FCLCA Institutional Spotlight will be an opportunity for two institutions to highlight how they worked through the pandemic. Each month we will spotlight a state college and university within the state. Each institution will have 30 minutes and we will build in time for questions/answers. The first institutions will be Florida State College at Jacksonville and Florida Atlantic University. This first institutional spotlight will be open to members of FCLCA and non-members. Therefore, we ask that you please forward this email to colleagues at other institutions in your area who work within academic support - inviting them to participate. Below is the information for the session:
* Wednesday, March 24, 2021 from Noon - 1pm
* Zoom Link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://fau-edu.zoom.us/j/88528950479?pwd=K0wrYnV6cU1mNVg5VHdVelNwRkpxZz09__;!!PhOWcWs!iLnGNYeUCwOJ7Cg0o138ENDwf4GsxXQnix1Le8jQC79luCsHKGIi4SlVAEJQkIVYlA$
Summer 2021 Virtual Conference (SAVE THE DATE) - FCLCA will be hosting a summer virtual conference. This will be an opportunity to learn best practices from those within the state and build on professional development. Below is information related to the half-day conference. So save the date and be on the lookout for more information. As this is a virtual conference - we have reduced the cost to $25.00 per person (which includes your annual membership). Therefore, we encourage you and as many of your staff members to participate.
* Friday, May 21, 2021 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
* Zoom Conference Session
* Registration Fee: $25.00 per person
* Stay tuned as the registration will open soon
Lastly, if you are looking for other professional development opportunities and looking to help an organization continue to move forward, we encourage you to think about joining the FCLCA Board. These are great positions and allow you to do wonderful things on a state level. Below is a link to the By-Laws. Beginning on page 5, the officers of the board are highlighted with their various responsibilities. We will open up nominations soon - so be on the lookout for information pertaining to this.
BYLAWS OF THE FLORIDA COLLEGE LEARNING CENTER ASSOCIATION, INC.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://4e7db8ba-1db3-4a0c-a1d8-0910ff5d1903.filesusr.com/ugd/83641f_815c7a5f2b9a4bcbaab870602da845b1.pdf__;!!PhOWcWs!iLnGNYeUCwOJ7Cg0o138ENDwf4GsxXQnix1Le8jQC79luCsHKGIi4SlVAEK-9B6pWg$ >
We look forward to reconnecting with you, Florida! While you continue to navigate through this time, personally and professionally, we wish you all the best.
Cheers to a happy and healthy weekend.
Ronald Romances Johnson
Associate Director, Center for Learning And Student Success (CLASS)
Director, Academic Support Services
President, Florida College Learning Center Association (FCLCA)
Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades Road, GS(2), Room 223
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Phone 561.297.0945
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