[FCLCA] FAU to host Learning Assistant (LA) Southeast Regional Workshop February 2020 - REGISTER TODAY!

Jennifer Bebergal bebergal at fau.edu
Tue Jan 14 15:55:03 EST 2020

Dear Florida friends!

The deadline to register for the LA Southeast Regional Workshop, February 21-22 at FAU is just ONE MONTH AWAY! Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn more about this impactful academic support program that is improving learning across the country and around the world!

Visit https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.fau.edu/class/LA_Regional_Workshop.php__;!!PhOWcWs!hmL30FSWvjT_jWZFd2M9rYn1O3YUt_a5s0OLsubMJkNt6hEQl0R406QZ_HsQv74OfA$  to REGISTER (by Feb. 14, 2020) and to view the workshop agenda. Registration is only $200 and includes two lunches and two continental breakfasts along with a LA implementation guide and lots of great learning and networking!

Please share this with any interested faculty and staff. Thank you!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Bebergal, Ed.D.
Associate Dean for Retention and Academic Support
Certified Learning Center Professional - Level 4, Lifetime
Center for Learning And Student Success (CLASS)
Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades Road, GS 223
Boca Raton, FL 33431
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.fau.edu/CLASS__;!!PhOWcWs!hmL30FSWvjT_jWZFd2M9rYn1O3YUt_a5s0OLsubMJkNt6hEQl0R406QZ_HuNTURUKw$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.fau.edu/CLASS__;!!PhOWcWs!hmL30FSWvjT_jWZFd2M9rYn1O3YUt_a5s0OLsubMJkNt6hEQl0R406QZ_HuNTURUKw$ >

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From: FCLCA <fclca-bounces at lists.fsu.edu> On Behalf Of Jennifer Bebergal via FCLCA
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2019 10:50 AM
To: fclca at lists.fsu.edu
Cc: Jennifer Bebergal <bebergal at fau.edu>
Subject: [FCLCA] Florida Atlantic University to host Learning Assistant (LA) Southeast Regional Workshop February 2020

Dear Florida friends and colleagues,

We are excited to announce that Florida Atlantic University is hosting the 2020 Learning Assistant (LA) Southeast Regional Workshop in Boca Raton, Florida. Join us February 21-22, 2020 to learn more about implementing the immensely successful LA model or learn ways to enhance existing LA programs on your campus.

I want to learn more... what is the Learning Assistant (LA) model?<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/learningassistantalliance.org/modules/public/gpe.php*gpe1__;Iw!!PhOWcWs!ib4Gh-oI40tL0viiBQS-1aOtbMaYzhGO26-mGsklhiR0Fmhb_VeBFGI9BmjITWnDBw$>

SAVE THE DATE - or Register Today. Space is limited and registration is open until February 14, 2020 or until space fills!

CLICK HERE to learn more or to register!<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.fau.edu/class/LA_Regional_Workshop.php__;!!PhOWcWs!ib4Gh-oI40tL0viiBQS-1aOtbMaYzhGO26-mGsklhiR0Fmhb_VeBFGI9BmhKMAu7lg$>

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Best wishes,

Jennifer Bebergal, Ed.D.
Associate Dean for Retention and Academic Support
Certified Learning Center Professional - Level 4, Lifetime
Center for Learning And Student Success (CLASS)
Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades Road, GS 223
Boca Raton, FL 33431
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.fau.edu/CLASS__;!!PhOWcWs!hmL30FSWvjT_jWZFd2M9rYn1O3YUt_a5s0OLsubMJkNt6hEQl0R406QZ_HuNTURUKw$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.fau.edu/CLASS__;!!PhOWcWs!ib4Gh-oI40tL0viiBQS-1aOtbMaYzhGO26-mGsklhiR0Fmhb_VeBFGI9Bmil5giFLA$>

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