[FCLCA] The FCLCA Board Is Looking for Great Leaders Like You!

Betancourt, Zoraya zbetancourt at usf.edu
Wed Mar 13 11:42:15 EDT 2019

The Nominating Committee is accepting nominations for the 2019 election of Officer positions.  In accordance with the bylaws, the Nominating Committee collects and reviews nominations and compiles the final ballot. The nominations period closes this week at 5pm on Friday, March 15.
This year there are six (6) seats to be filled; Officers will be elected by majority vote of membership and installed on the Board of Directors at the FCLCA Conference in Tampa on April 11-12.  Interested candidates must be an FCLCA member in good standing and a current, active member of NCLCA.  For more information about the position term limits and responsibilities, please visit the "Members" page of the FCLCA website at: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.floridacollegelearning.org_members&d=DwIFAg&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=LQPdspFAgS73hAQ9g9_nNP1teSM23Bed0-a7URkhpDA&m=Rjt0SN3EDlZUXuge44YdOejQy2GPmyQ3e4mjHhm6Go4&s=36G6O4nPTpur_SP1u1nEqNC2TlTdnksn83fo3V54bJo&e=<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com_-3Furl-3Dhttps-253A-252F-252Fwww.floridacollegelearning.org-252Fmembers-26data-3D02-257C01-257Czbetancourt-2540usf.edu-257Cc1a5aa64143848694b7008d69b31fea8-257C741bf7dee2e546df8d6782607df9deaa-257C0-257C0-257C636867036357973210-26sdata-3Dj5eiBBU9CR4UWNXXDaHvy4kjZ2QGg-252FuO9gMs-252BFMe-252FR0-253D-26reserved-3D0&d=DwIFAg&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=LQPdspFAgS73hAQ9g9_nNP1teSM23Bed0-a7URkhpDA&m=Rjt0SN3EDlZUXuge44YdOejQy2GPmyQ3e4mjHhm6Go4&s=6s8snD2X-YluQbrpNbMsSwg2gc0oS9u8JBmvBb7NXc0&e=>

*        President
*        Vice-President
*        Secretary
*        Treasurer
*        Professional Development
*        Marketing/Publications

To submit your nomination (self-nominate), simply email the chair of the committee, Rebecca Piety, at Rebecca.Piety at ucf.edu<mailto:Rebecca.Piety at ucf.edu>, the following information:
*        Name, email and phone number
*        Title and institution
*        A short bio (max. of 400 words)
*        A profile/headshot picture.
Elections will be held Wednesday, March 20th - Wednesday, April 3rd.
Please feel free to contact me directly at 407-823-5183 or Rebecca.Piety at ucf.edu<mailto:Rebecca.Piety at ucf.edu> should you have any questions.

Thank you,
Rebecca Piety on behalf of the Nominating Committee
FCLCA Immediate Past President

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