[Eoas-seminar] [Seminar-announce] Scientific Computing Colloquium with Stephanie Day [Wolfram]

eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu
Thu Sep 28 09:44:40 EDT 2023

"Wolfram Technology in Education and Research"

Stephanie Day
Academic Account Executive at Wolfram

NOTE: Please feel free to forward/share this invitation with other groups/disciplines that might be interested in this talk/topic. All are welcome to attend.

Note: Zoom access is for non-departmental participants only.
Meeting # 942 7359 5552

🎦 Colloquium recordings will be made available here, https://www.sc.fsu.edu/colloquium

Wednesday, Oct 4, 2023, Schedule:

* 3:00 to 3:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
☕ Nespresso & Teatime - 417 DSL Commons

* 3:30 to 4:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
🕟 Colloquium - 499 DSL Seminar Room


This technical talk will show live calculations in Mathematica 13 and other Wolfram technologies relevant to courses and research. Specific topics include:

  *   Enter calculations in everyday English, or using the flexible Wolfram Language
  *   Visualize data, functions, surfaces, and more in 2D or 3D
  *   Store and share documents locally or in the Wolfram Cloud
  *   Access trillions of bits of on-demand data
  *   Easily turn static examples into mouse-driven, dynamic applications
  *   Access 12,000 free course-ready applications
  *   Get deep support for specialized areas including machine learning, time series, image processing, parallelization, and control systems, with no add-ons required

Current users will benefit from seeing the many improvements and new features of Mathematica 13 (https://www.wolfram.com/mathematica/new-in-13), but prior knowledge of Mathematica is not required.

Additional colloquium details can be found here,
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