[Eoas-seminar] EOAS Colloquium Today 3:00 PM

eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu
Fri Mar 24 08:27:34 EDT 2023

Dear colleague,
We will have our next colloquium by Tim Lyons this afternoon at 3 pm in EOA 1044. We hope to see many of you there today.

Time: 3 pm Friday, March 24th
Location: EOA 1044
Speaker: Dr. Timothy Lyons from the University of California, Riverside

Title: How four billion years of Earth history may help us find life on exoplanets

Abstract: Life and life-sustaining environments, including oceans, have existed on a dynamic Earth for more than four billion years. Each of our many past planetary states was associated with a particular atmospheric composition, and those atmospheres contained gases that were produced by Earth's early life. Using ancient Earth to understand when and how these biosignature gases accumulated is allowing us to select targets and techniques for exploring the many Earth-like planets beyond our solar system. And a deep dive into Earth's earliest chapters is providing an environmental context for life beginnings.
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