[Eoas-seminar] Correction: Seminar by Sathyanarayanan Chandramouli on Nonlinear wave interactions on Jan. 31st

eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu
Thu Jan 26 10:58:58 EST 2023

A further correction (thank you to those that pointed it out): The talk 
is on *Tuesday* Jan. 31st.


On 1/26/2023 10:33 AM, eoas-seminar--- via Eoas-seminar wrote:
> Colleagues,
> Sathyanarayanan Chandramouli  will be giving a seminar on "Nonlinear 
> wave interactions in dispersive hydrodynamics: Applications to 
> geophysical fluid dynamics" on Monday Jan. 31st in the COAPS seminar 
> room. The zoom link for the talk is
> https://fsu.zoom.us/j/96792472590?pwd=NEY0blk2YUo1WXVxMmlnSWpZWjl5dz09
> Short abstract: Abstract: Dispersive hydrodynamics, the study of 
> nonlinear wave dynamics in dispersive (and fluid-like) media has 
> garnered significant attention in the past decades and builds upon the 
> seminal work of Gerald B. Whitham. Broadly speaking, dispersive 
> hydrodynamic phenomena are characterized by reciprocal interactions 
> between long (space and time) scale hydrodynamic and short-scale 
> dispersive effects. In this talk, through the lens of Whitham 
> modulation theory, we motivate the mathematical description of 
> nonlinear wave interactions which could occur in a geophysical fluid 
> dynamics context.
> Regards,
> Mark
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