[Eoas-seminar] FSUGS Fluids this Friday, 4 pm! Special Alumni event

eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu
Fri Apr 21 09:04:25 EDT 2023

The Florida State University Geological Society (FSUGS) would like to invite you to "Fluid Dynamics 101" April 21st @ 4 pm. This is a long-standing club tradition ...grilling and serving free food and drinks to grads, undergrads, faculty, and staff.

This is also a special ALUMNI event. This is a great opportunity to see old friends, tour the new EOAS building including the mineral displays and see the NOAA "Science on a Sphere" (an interactive room-sized globe that projects visualizations of planetary data onto a six-foot diameter sphere). But mostly just to eat, drink and hang out with fellow and future geologists.

Hope to see you on Campus.

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