[Eoas-seminar] two seminars in the week of 4/10

eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu
Fri Apr 7 16:41:38 EDT 2023

Dear EOAS, I would like to announce two seminars that will be given in the week of 4/10. The first one will be given by Harley Means (Florida State Geologist) in my course of hydrogeology, and you are welcome to attend. The second one is our regular colloquium seminar that will be given by Sonia Tikoo from the Stanford University. She will have lunch with our graduate students on April 14 (Friday). Please contact Kyle Compare kcompare at fsu.edu<mailto:kcompare at fsu.edu> if you would like to join the lunch. Faculty who are interested in meeting with Sonia or having a dinner with her on April 14 (Friday), please email Ming Ye (mye at fsu.edu<mailto:mye at fsu.edu>). Thanks. -Ming

Speaker: Harley Means, Director of Florida Geological Survey, Florida State Geologist
Title: An Introduction to Florida Hydrogeology
Time and Date: 1:20pm, April 11, Tuesday
Location: EOA 2061

Speaker: Sonia Tikoo, Stanford University
Time and Date: 3pm, April 14, Friday
Location: EOA 1050

Abstract: The phrase "the final frontier" has been used to describe both Earth's seafloor as well as outer space.  Scientific exploration of each domain requires tremendous effort, but the former is far more accessible than the latter in terms of cost and resources.  As such, scientific ocean drilling, which enables sampling of Earth materials to depths of hundreds of meters to kilometers, presents an exciting avenue for studying processes that have taken place on multiple rocky worlds within our solar system at a scale that cannot currently be achieved with space missions.  In this talk, we discuss how scientific ocean drilling can teach us about fundamental planetary processes including impact cratering, plume volcanism, and true polar wander using paleomagnetic results from IODP-ICDP Expedition 364: Chicxulub Impact Crater and IODP Expedition 391: Walvis Ridge Hotspot.

Ming Ye, Ph.D.
Professor in Hydrogeology
Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science
Department of Scientific Computing
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4520
Office: 3015 EOAS Building (1011 Academic Way)
Phone: 850-645-4987
Cell: 850-567-4488
Email: mye at fsu.edu<mailto:mye at fsu.edu>

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