[Eoas-seminar] EOAS Colloquium on 9/16 at 3:00 PM

eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu
Mon Sep 12 09:58:40 EDT 2022

Hi all,
This is a reminder of the EOAS colloquium on Friday at 3 PM. The colloquium is in-person. I am sure his research and background will be of interest to many different groups and individuals.

Everyone is invited to a FLUIDS gathering (food and drinks) from Geology Club that will immediately follow the colloquium.

If you would like to meet with the speaker, please email Jeremy Owens (jdowens at fsu.edu<mailto:jdowens at fsu.edu>). It would be great for him to meet with faculty and/or students across the broad range of topics in our department.

Time: 3 pm Friday, September 16th
Location: 1050 EOA
Speaker: Dr. Besim Dragovic from the University of South Carolina

Title: Constraining the rates of subduction metamorphism and metasomatism using chronology and chronometry: insights from the Eocene

Abstract: High-pressure metamorphic rocks exhumed from subduction zones offer the only direct samples of the subduction interface, providing important information for understanding active subduction zones. While the timing of subduction zone metamorphism in exhumed terranes has been achievable using geochronology, the timescales and rates of subduction zone processes have been more elusive. However, approaches utilizing multiple mineral-isotope systems, in-situ techniques and/or microsampling of crystal growth domains have provided important constraints on these processes. This talk highlights the use of direct chronology and chronometry from the subduction zone rock record, with particular attention to examples from the Western Alps (Italy and Switzerland).
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