[Eoas-seminar] MET Seminar Thursday October 20 3:00-4:15 PM: Dr. Rebecca Morss (NCAR)

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Thu Oct 20 17:28:05 EDT 2022

Thank you to everyone who attended today’s seminar! If you missed it and would like access to the recording, please contact Allison Wing (awing at fsu.edu<mailto:awing at fsu.edu>)

Allison Wing, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science
Florida State University
awing at fsu.edu<mailto:awing at fsu.edu>

On Oct 20, 2022, at 9:01 AM, eoas-seminar--- via Eoas-seminar <eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu<mailto:eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu>> wrote:

Dear all,

This is a reminder about today’s MET seminar given by Dr. Rebecca Morss on “extreme weather risks and decisions in society”.

Grad student q&A at 2:15 in 6067.
Snacks at 3 in 1044.
Seminar at 3:15 in 1044.

See you there!



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From: Eoas-seminar <eoas-seminar-bounces at lists.fsu.edu<mailto:eoas-seminar-bounces at lists.fsu.edu>> on behalf of eoas-seminar--- via Eoas-seminar <eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu<mailto:eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu>>
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2022 2:38:15 PM
To: eoas-seminar--- via Eoas-seminar <eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu<mailto:eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu>>
Subject: [Eoas-seminar] MET Seminar Thursday October 20 3:00-4:15 PM: Dr. Rebecca Morss (NCAR)

Dear all,

Please join us this Thursday October 20 for our next Meteorology seminar, given by Dr. Rebecca Morss<https://staff.ucar.edu/users/morss>, a Senior Scientist and Deputy Director of the Mesoscale  and Microscale Meteorology (MMM) Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). Dr. Morss will speak about “Extreme weather risks and decisions in society” (see abstract below). This is an especially timely topic given recent events in Florida.

Dr. Morss will be joining us virtually but we will gather in EOA 1044 to participate in the seminar. If you cannot attend in person due to a medical reason or approved work out of town, please contact Allison Wing (awing at fsu.edu<mailto:awing at fsu.edu>) for remote access. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing everyone in 1044! Please join us at 3 PM for refreshments prior to the beginning of the talk at 3:15 PM.

Graduate students are invited to participate in a student-only Q&A with the speaker at 2:15 PM in EOA 6067. This is a great opportunity to meet the speaker and discuss science and work/life/career topics in an informal setting.

If you are interested in meeting individually with the speaker, please contact Allison Wing. Dr. Morss is available between 10:30 and 5 on Thursday. Dr. Morss is an expert in weather forecasting systems and risk communication, and her current research foci include the communication and interpretation of weather risks, the use of weather-related information in decision making, and weather hazard prediction and predictability.

DATE: Thursday October 20
STUDENT Q&A: 2:15 PM, EOA 6067
SEMINAR TIME: Refreshments at 3 PM, Talk 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM.
SEMINAR LOCATION: EOA 1044 (speaker remote)
SPEAKER: Dr. Rebecca Morss<https://staff.ucar.edu/users/morss>

TITLE: Extreme weather risks and decisions in society

ABSTRACT: This presentation will discuss research to understand and improve weather risk communication and societal decision making, with a focus on tropical cyclone hazards. I will begin by describing how reducing the negative impacts of extreme weather risks requires understanding interactions among physical and human systems. Next, I will discuss the roles of scientific information and risk communication in weather and climate decision making, together with other influencing factors. I will then describe how creation, communication, interpretation, and use of weather information in the modern environment is a complex, non-linear system, and how this dynamic perspective opens up new opportunities for research and practice. I will also present examples from research illustrating how different types of interdisciplinary methods, including interviews, social media data analysis, surveys, and computational modeling, can be used to build understanding and develop strategies for improving outcomes when extreme weather threatens.

We look forward to seeing you this Thursday!



On behalf of the MET Seminar Committee

Allison Wing, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science
Florida State University
awing at fsu.edu<mailto:awing at fsu.edu>

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