[Eoas-seminar] PO Search visitor, Shantong Sun

eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu eoas-seminar at lists.fsu.edu
Mon Apr 4 09:33:56 EDT 2022

Ladies and Gentlemen of eoas

One week from today, Monday and Tuesday April 11 and 12, we will host a visit from Dr Shantong Sun, a candidate for our PO search.  He will give a seminar on Tuesday at 3pm in 1050 eoas.  His schedule was forwarded a few days ago and an updated version will follow on Sunday.  Below are his title, abstract and a zoom invitation for those unable to attend in person.


Title: The ocean’s transient conveyor belt: the physics and implications for oceanic heat transport and ecosystem changes
Abstract: Connections between the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean are often identified as critical components that enable overturning circulation transitions between different climate states. However, in contrast to this steady state balance, climate models consistently project changes in the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean that suggest potentially conflicting tendencies of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in a warming climate: a decline in North Atlantic Deep Water formation that weakens the AMOC vs a stronger Southern Hemisphere westerly wind that may strengthen the AMOC. This conundrum is resolved by invoking changes in the Indo-Pacific overturning. Using a hierarchy of ocean and climate models, we show that the Indo-Pacific plays a leading role in balancing AMOC changes over decadal to multi-centennial time scales, communicated between basins via wave processes, leaving the Southern Ocean overturning largely unperturbed by AMOC changes over these time scales. Following a weakening AMOC in response to anthropogenic greenhouse gas forcing, the Indo-Pacific develops an overturning circulation anomaly that substantially opposes the Atlantic changes, characterized by a northward volume transport anomaly in the upper ocean, i.e., a transient version of the great ocean conveyor belt. This inter-basin overturning response induces a zonal inter-basin heat redistribution, with a southward heat transport anomaly in the Atlantic and a northward heat transport anomaly in the Indo-Pacific. This heat redistribution leads to a surface cooling in the high-latitude North Atlantic and a subsurface warming in the Indo-Pacific. Furthermore, these inter-basin overturning changes, coupled to the vertical nutrients distribution, also leads to an anomalous southward nutrients transport into the Southern Ocean following a weakening of the AMOC. This nutrient redistribution decreases nutrients levels in the upper part of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific basins, causes a reduction in global primary production on centennial time scales, and may contribute to a positive carbon-climate feedback by modifying air-sea fluxes.

William Dewar is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: My Meeting
Time: Apr 12, 2022 10:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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