Funding Opportunities

med-Research Research at
Fri Sep 16 08:14:03 EDT 2022

Building in vivo Preclinical Assays of Circuit Engagement for Application in Therapeutic Development (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)<>
The goal of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to identify, in animals, in vivo neurophysiological and behavioral measures for use as assays in the early screening phase of treatment development. This FOA will support efforts to optimize and evaluate measures of neurophysiological and behavioral processes that may serve as pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) markers of neural processes of clinical interest based on available knowledge of the neurobiology of mental illnesses. The screening assays developed from this FOA are expected to build upon systems neurobiology and clinical neuroscience to enhance the scientific value of preclinical animal data contributing to a therapeutic development pipeline in which treatment candidates and therapeutic targets can be evaluated for their ability to impact neurobiological mechanisms of potential clinical relevance to mental illnesses. The objectives of this FOA will be accomplished by supporting basic neuroscience aimed at improving the efficiency and scientific value of the therapeutic development pipeline by advancing the discovery of in vivo physiological and behavioral measures reflecting circuit engagement as tools for early phase target validation and therapeutic screening for mental illness treatment development. The efforts supported by this initiative focus on measures in animals as a first step in generating translational assay measures that are adaptable across early therapeutic screens in animals to evaluation in humans. The FOA may be considered a prequel to build a suite of assays that are evaluated in future projects for coherence of assay performance between the preclinical species and healthy humans. In summary, this FOA will support efforts to improve the tool kit of assays available for early phase testing of novel therapeutic agents by incorporating measures proximal to neural systems that impact mental health.
Standard dates apply. Expires September 8, 2025. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for October 5, 2022 standard date: September 22.

HEAL Initiative: Interdisciplinary Team Science to Uncover the Mechanisms of Pain Relief by Medical Devices (RM1 Clinical Trial Optional)<>
This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is designed to support interdisciplinary research teams of multiple PDs/PIs to investigate the mechanism of action of pain relief by medical devices with the overall goal of optimizing therapeutic outcomes for FDA-approved or -cleared technologies. Teams must leverage appropriate multi-disciplinary expertise to develop new principles and methods for experimentation, analysis, and interpretation. Teams are encouraged to consider objectives that will produce major advances in the understanding of pain relief by medical devices.
Due October 10, 2022; June 13, 2023; June 10, 2024; and June 9, 2025. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for October 10, 2022 due date: September 27.
Resource-Related Research Projects for Development of Animal Models and Related Materials (R24 Clinical Trials Not-Allowed)<>
The Office of Research Infrastructure Programs encourages grant applications aimed at developing, characterizing or improving animal models of human diseases; improving access to information about or generated from the use of animal models of human disease; or improving diagnosis and control of diseases of laboratory animals. The animal models, related materials, or technological tools developed must be broadly applicable to the scientific interests of two or more NIH Institutes or Centers (ICs) and must evaluate diseases and processes that impact multiple organ systems in order to align with the ORIP's NIH-wide mission<> and programs. Applications must describe the need for and the potential impact of the proposed resources on the research community across a range of scientific disciplines supported by multiple NIH ICs. Applications to develop models that relate strictly to a specific disease or a select area of research or that do not have a broad impact on the NIH-wide research community will not be considered acceptable. Projects that predominantly address the research interests of one NIH IC but are only peripherally related to the research interests of other ICs will also not be acceptable for this funding opportunity announcement.
Due October 13, 2022; January 25, 2023; May 25, 2023; September 25, 20223; January 25, 2024; May 25, 2024; September 25, 2024; January 25, 2025; and May 25, 2025. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for October 13, 2022 due date: September 30.

American Cancer Society: Role of Health Policy and Health Insurance in Improving Access to and Performance of Cancer Prevention, Early Detection, and Treatment Services<>
There is a need for research that evaluates the impact of the many changes now occurring in the healthcare system with a particular focus on cancer prevention, control, and treatment. Efforts focusing on improving access to care may also impact inequities that contribute to health disparities.  Public health policy initiatives such as the federal and state marketplaces that have expanded insurance coverage, as well as Medicaid expansion in some states, create natural experiments ripe for evaluation. Research to be funded by this RFA should focus on the changes in national, state, and/or local policy and the response to these changes by healthcare systems, insurers, payers, communities, practices, and patients. A clear understanding of these changes can help clinicians, health systems, public health and public policy professionals, patient and consumer advocates, and providers to identify and guide needed improvements in cancer prevention and control and health care and health more broadly. Findings from this research may also inform advocacy and policy development by the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) in the context of meaningful health care reform by assessing outcomes related to the structure of the health system on availability, administrative simplicity, adequacy, and affordability of coverage, referred to as the 4 A's, which make up the Society and Cancer Action Network's framework for reform. We are keenly interested in supporting rapid learning research to study the effects of health policy changes on patients, providers, and health systems. This includes but is not limited to: facilitators and barriers to care, unintended consequences, differential experiences and outcomes of patients seeking or receiving care, best practice models for quality care, and economic Impact.
Due October 16, 2022. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: October 3.

American Cancer Society Grants<>
Discovery Boost Grants: Fund exploratory research to develop research methodologies, establish feasibility, or pilot test high-risk/high-reward research across the research continuum.
2 years with $100K a year direct costs, plus 20% allowable indirect costs.
Due October 15, 2022 and April 1, 2023. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for October 15, 2022 due date: October 3.
Research Scholar Grants: For investigators within the first 10 years of an initial independent research career or full-time faculty appointment.
Up to 4 years with $165K a year direct costs, plus 20% allowable indirect costs.
Due October 15, 2022 and April 1, 2023. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for October 15, 2022 due date: October 3.
Research Professor Grants: For investigators who have been a full professor for 15 years or less and made seminal contributions that have changed the direction of cancer care research and who expect to continue to provide leadership in their research area.
5-year term with $80K a year; renewable.
Letter of intent due February 1, 2023. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: January 19.

Novel Assays to Address Translational Gaps in Treatment Development (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional)<>
The goal of this initiative is to identify neurophysiological measures as potential assays for treatment development research. The Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will support efforts to optimize and evaluate pharmacodynamic (PD) measures of neurophysiological processes that are disrupted within or across mental disorders in both healthy humans and in another species relevant to the therapeutic development pipeline. The initiative will support initial proof of concept studies aimed at identifying measures for potential development as preclinical assays for evaluating potential new drug and device therapies and their targets. Data may also reveal assay measures where performance is dissimilar between preclinical animal species and humans, thus establishing a firm basis for limiting speculative extrapolations of preclinical animal findings to humans. The ultimate goal of this FOA is to improve the efficiency of the therapeutic development process by identifying congruent measures as well as inconsistencies between the preclinical screening pipeline and clinical evaluation of new treatment candidates. The objectives of the FOA will be accomplished by supporting partnerships among basic and translational neuroscientists who are committed to advancing the discovery of in vivo physiological measures as tools for target validation and therapeutic development. Groups will be tasked with developing and optimizing in vivo assays of brain processes in both animals and in healthy humans. Groups will evaluate assay performance across both species in response to pharmacologic manipulations. In this way, projects will reveal the potential of specific assays to translate from animals to humans, suggesting assays for further development as tools in the treatment development pipeline.
Due October 21, 2022; February 21, 2023; June 21, 2023; October 21, 2023; February 21, 2024; June 21, 2024; October 21, 2024; February 21, 2025; and June 20, 2025. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for October 21, 2022 due date: October 10.

Bioengineering Research Grants (BRG)
R01 Clinical Trial Optional<>
R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed<>
The purpose of these funding opportunity announcements is to encourage collaborations between the life and physical sciences that: 1) apply a multidisciplinary bioengineering approach to the solution of a biomedical problem; and 2) integrate, optimize, validate, translate or otherwise accelerate the adoption of promising tools, methods, and techniques for a specific research or clinical problem in basic, translational, or clinical science and practice. An application may propose design-directed, developmental, discovery-driven, or hypothesis-driven research and is appropriate for small teams applying an integrative approach to increase our understanding of and solve problems in biological, clinical, or translational science.
Due October 31, 2022; February 5, 2023; June 5, 2023; October 5, 2023; February 5, 2024; June 5, 2024; October 5, 2024; February 5, 2025; and June 5, 2025. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for October 31, 2022 due date: October 18.

SENS Research Foundation<>
SENS Research Foundation regularly funds external research with potential to accelerate the development of rejuvenation biotechnology. Applicants for financial support will be expected to clearly indicate the specific SENS target(s)<> addressed and explain how their proposed research would further progress toward therapies that remove, repair, replace, or render harmless that target.
Letter of intent due November 1, 2022; February 1, 2023; May 1, 2023; and August 1, 2023. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for November 1, 2022 due date: October 19.

Cancer Research Institute Technology Impact Award<>
This award provides seed funding of up to $200,000 to be used over 12-24 months to address the gap between technology development and clinical application of cancer immunotherapies. These grants aim to encourage collaboration between technology developers and clinical cancer immunologists and to generate the proof-of-principle of a novel platform technology in bioinformatics, ex vivo or in silico modeling systems, immunological or tumor profiling instrumentation, methods, reagents and assays, or other relevant technologies that can enable clinician scientists to generate deeper insights into the mechanisms of action of effective or ineffective cancer immunotherapies.
Award winners will be selected based on the novelty, creativity, technical sophistication, and transformative potential of the technology to impact cancer immunotherapy research around the world. The ultimate aim of this program is to advance technologies that can speed up the entire field's efforts in addressing one of the most defining challenges of our time-developing immunotherapies that are effective for all cancer patients.
Letter of intent due November 15, 2022. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: November 1 (due to Veterans Day holiday).

HEAL Initiative: Therapeutics Development for Opioid Use Disorder in Patients with Co-occurring Mental Disorders (UG3/UH3 - Clinical Trial Optional)<>
The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to support the development of new therapeutic approaches for individuals with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and co-occurring mental disorders (COMD). Research applications may include the development of new chemical entities, new lead compounds, repurposed marketed medications, new formulations of existing medications, new behavioral therapies, therapeutic devices, and digital therapeutics. The COMD comorbid with OUD may include anxiety disorders, mood disorders, impulse control disorders, attention deficit disorders, schizophrenia, and others
Due February 2, 2023. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: January 20.

Time-Sensitive Opportunities for Health Research (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)<>
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) establishes an accelerated review/award process to support research to understand health outcomes related to an unexpected and/or time-sensitive event (e.g., emergent environmental threat; pandemic; change in local, state, or national policy; natural disaster). Applications in response to this FOA must demonstrate that the research proposed is time-sensitive and must be initiated with minimum delay due to a limited window of opportunity to collect baseline data, answer key research questions, and/or prospectively evaluate a new policy or program. This FOA is intended to support opportunities in which empirical study could only be available through expedited review and funding, necessitating a substantially shorter process than the typical NIH grant review/award cycle. The time from submission to award is expected to occur within 4-5 months. However, administrative requirements and other unforeseen circumstances may delay issuance dates beyond that timeline.
Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Expires November 2, 2023. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: Ten business days before submission to sponsor.

Grand Opportunity in Medications Development for Substance-Use Disorders (U01 Clinical Trial Optional)<>
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) seeks to accelerate the development of medication for the treatment of Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) by encouraging research applications to support a diverse array of preclinical and/or clinical research projects. The goal is to fund medication studies that will have high impact and quickly yield the necessary results to advance medications closer to FDA approval.
Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Expires September 2, 2025. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: Ten business days before submission to sponsor.

Development of Medications to Prevent and Treat Opioid and/or Stimulant Use Disorders and Overdose (UG3/UH3 - Clinical Trial Optional)<>
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) seeks research for the discovery and development of medications to prevent and treat opioid use disorder (OUD) and/or psychostimulant (cocaine or methamphetamine) use disorder (PsUD) and overdose.
Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Expires September 2, 2025. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: Ten business days before submission to sponsor.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Pioneering Ideas-Culture of Health<>
As our current reality underscores, we live in a dynamic world-where unforeseen global events; new technologies; scientific discoveries; changes in our climate, economy, demographics; and more-continually shape where and how we live, learn, work and play. These changes will profoundly impact health equity<> in our society, from our individual health and the health of our families to the health of our communities. What dramatic changes might we see in the next 5 to 15 years? What can we do today to create a better, more equitable tomorrow? We seek to answer these questions, anticipate the future, and support unconventional approaches and breakthrough ideas that can help lead the way to a future where everyone in the United States can live their healthiest life possible. Pioneering Ideas: Exploring the Future to Build a Culture of Health seeks proposals that are primed to influence health equity in the future. We are interested in ideas that address any of these four areas of focus: Future of Evidence; Future of Social Interaction; Future of Food; Future of Work. Additionally, we welcome ideas that might fall outside of these four focus areas, but which offer unique approaches to advancing health equity and our progress toward a Culture of Health. We want to hear from scientists, anthropologists, artists, urban planners, community leaders-anyone, anywhere who has a new or unconventional idea that could alter the trajectory of health, and improve health equity and well-being for generations to come. The changes we seek require diverse perspectives and cannot be accomplished by any one person, organization or sector.
Proposals will be accepted throughout the year on a rolling basis. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: Ten business days before submission to sponsor.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - Evidence for Action: Innovative Research to Advance Racial Equity<>
This funding is focused on studies about upstream causes of health inequities, such as the systems, structures, laws, policies, norms, and practices that determine the distribution of resources and opportunities, which in turn influence individuals' options and behaviors. Research should center on the needs and experiences of communities exhibiting the greatest health burdens and be motivated by real-world priorities. It should be able to inform a specific course of action and/or establish beneficial practices, not stop at characterizing or documenting the extent of a problem.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: Ten business days before submission to sponsor.

Med-RA contact: research at<mailto:research at>

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