Weekly Funding Opportunities

med-Research Research at med.fsu.edu
Sat Feb 13 16:58:30 EST 2021

Cures Within Reach: Clinical Repurposing Research to Impact Veterans<https://www.cureswithinreach.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Clinical_Repurposing_Research_to_Impact_Veterans_103_RFP_12-04-2020.pdf>
This Request for Proposals (RFP) is seeking repurposed treatments to address unmet and high priority medical needs of veterans, including mental health, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and brain injuries, with up to $50,000 in funding for a repurposing clinical trial. We are interested in generic or proprietary drugs, devices, nutraceuticals or diagnostics that could be repurposed to create “new” treatments to 1) reduce the symptoms, progression or incidence of; 2) restore function lost to; or 3) to reduce or eliminate severe side effects of currently used therapies for any unsolved medical need facing veterans, thereby improving patient outcomes and quality of life. Repurposed therapies can be used alone or in combination with other therapies. Therapies must already be FDA approved or otherwise readily available for human use.
Due February 26, 2021. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: February 15.

UF-FSU CTSA Pilot Project Award<https://www.ctsi.ufl.edu/research/funding-opportunities/uf-fsu-ctsa-hub-pilot-project-awards/#current>
The RFA is designed to support collaborative projects between FSU and UF that can be accomplished in 18 months or less and will concentrate on mental health, health disparities, maternal child health, and cardiovascular disorders and or/lay critical groundwork for subsequent research while extramural funding opportunities emerge. Applications must include one or more researchers from each institution. Applications across the full spectrum of clinical and translational research are welcome, including preclinical research; clinical research conducted with human subjects or on material of human origin (e.g., tissues, specimens, cognitive phenomena); epidemiological and behavioral studies; outcomes research and health services research; and the development of new technologies and methodologies. It is expected that research supported by this mechanism will result in one or more publications in a peer-reviewed journal and provide critical preliminary data to support extramural applications.
(Strongly encouraged) letter of intent due March 1.
Full application due April 12. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: March 30.

NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Pilot Projects to Integrate Existing Data and Data-Focused Cyberinfrastructure to Enable Community-level Discovery Pathways <https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21045/nsf21045.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click>
Through this Dear Colleague Letter (DCL), NSF encourages proposals to the Cyberinfrastructure for Emerging Science and Engineering Research (CESER) program within the Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure for pilot projects that bring together researchers and CI experts to develop the means of combining existing community data resources and shared data-focused CI into new integrative and highly performing data-intensive discovery workflows that empower new scientific pathways. Aims of such pilot projects can include, but are not limited to:

  *   improving the end-to-end process of accessing, integrating and transforming research and education data to knowledge and discovery for one or more communities;
  *   creating new workflows and new usage modes to address multi-disciplinary and cross-domain scientific objectives;
  *   addressing emerging community-scale scientific data challenges such as real-time, streaming and on-demand data access; data discovery through knowledge networks and intelligent data delivery; enabling access to data with privacy concerns; and data fusion, integration and interoperability;
  *   enhancing the performance and robustness of community-scale data integration and discovery workflows such as through automated curation, end-to-end performance monitoring, provenance tracking, and means of assuring data trustworthiness; and
  *   federating learner data to empower innovative assessment tools for large-scale modeling of learning gains.
NSF welcomes submissions of proposals for pilot projects that address one or more of these aims in all areas of science and engineering (S&E) research and education supported by NSF. Within this array of aims, NSF encourages proposers to address, where appropriate, community-scale scientific data challenges stemming from the ongoing pandemic, whether technical in nature or related to broadening participation by, and increasing benefit to, diverse audiences, including groups underrepresented and underserved in STEM. The directorates with specific interest in topical areas includes Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Education and Human Resources, Geosciences, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, and Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE). SBE proposals are encouraged that focus on CI tools, resources, and/or solutions related to any of the directorate's core programs. Example areas of emphasis include:

  *   Combination of diverse brain data ‒ the collection of which varies in technology, methodology, and context ‒ in order to make useable such data by a broader research community and to enable novel kinds of brain-behavior computational modeling.
  *   Integration of heterogeneous human data ‒ neural, cognitive, behavioral, economic, spatial ‒ in ways that foster large-scale behavioral modeling. This could also incorporate networking tools into many aspects of human data analysis, including population migration and disaster response.
  *   Linkage among social, behavioral, or economic datasets in ways that accommodate the imputation of ambiguous or nonexistent metadata and address the tradeoff between privacy and accuracy. Because of the transient complexity of human behavior, solutions are needed to account for data aggregation when researchers are unable to make observations or perform experiments more than once under identical circumstances. Specific challenges for solution include identifying co-factors, specifying models, sampling strategies, checking robustness, triaging data, and drawing causal inferences.
Due March 23, 2021. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: March 9.

American Psychological Foundation: Visionary Grants<https://www.apa.org/apf/funding/visionary?tab=1>
The APF Visionary Grants seek to seed innovation through supporting research, education and intervention projects and programs that use psychology to solve social problems in the following priority areas:

  *   Applying psychology to at-risk, vulnerable populations (e.g., serious mental illness, returning military, those who are incarcerated or economically disadvantaged).
  *   Preventing violence.
  *   Understanding the connection between behavior and health (e.g. wellness, diabetes, obesity).
  *   Understanding and eliminating stigma and prejudice (e.g., race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability and socioeconomic status).
  *   Racism – 2021 EnVision Ending Racism Campaign
In 2021, APF has added four grants under the special priority of ending racism. In light of the urgent need to address racism, this year there is an additional priority of understanding and ending racism. These are grants to fund exploring the cognitive and behavioral parameters that motivate racist feelings and behaviors.
Preference will be given to pilot projects that, if successful, would be strong candidates for support from major federal and foundation funding agencies, and “demonstration projects” that promise to generalize broadly to similar settings in other geographical areas and/or to other settings.
To be eligible, applicants must be a graduate student or early-career researcher (no more than ten years postdoctoral).
Due April 1, 2021. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: March 22.

Breast Cancer Alliance Grants<https://breastcanceralliance.org/how-to-apply>
Exceptional Project Grant
The Beast Cancer Alliance invites clinical doctors and research scientists, including post docs, at any stage of their careers whose primary focus is breast cancer to apply for an Exceptional Project Grant. This award recognizes creative, unique and innovative research and is open to applicants at institutions throughout the contiguous United States. One-year project; $100,000; 8% IDC.
Letter of intent due April 1, 2021. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: March 22.
Young Investigator Grant
To encourage a commitment to breast cancer research, Breast Cancer Alliance invites clinical doctors and research scientists, including post docs, whose primary focus is breast cancer and who are in the early stages of their careers, to apply for funding for the Young Investigator Grant. Two-year project; $125,000; 8% IDC.
Due July 23, 2021. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: July 12.

American Cancer Society: Palliative Care of Cancer Patients and Their Families<https://www.cancer.org/research/we-fund-cancer-research/apply-research-grant/grant-types/rfa-palliative-care-cancer-patients.html>
Awarded grants will provide funding for investigators to perform pilot and exploratory research studies with the purpose of testing interventions, developing research methodologies, or exploring novel areas of research in palliative care for cancer patients and their families. A condition of funding is a clearly defined plan as to how the investigator will use the results of the project to develop larger, extramurally funded research projects.
This RFA is limited to applications that focus on palliative care research projects for seriously ill cancer patients and their families in 3 specific areas:
1. Exploring the relationship of pain and other distressing symptoms on quality and quantity of life, independence, function, and disability and developing interventions directed at their treatment in patients with advanced and chronic illnesses;
2. Studying methods of improving communication between cancer survivors living with serious illness with their families and health care providers;
3. Evaluating models and systems of care for patients living with advanced illness and their families.
Due April 1, 2021 and October 15, 2021. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for April 1 due date: March 22.

American Cancer Society: Role of Health Policy and Health Insurance in Improving Access to and Performance of Cancer Prevention, Early Detection, and Treatment Services<https://www.cancer.org/research/we-fund-cancer-research/apply-research-grant/grant-types/rfa-role-healthcare-insurance-cancer.html>
A call for research that evaluates the impact of the many changes now occurring in the healthcare system with a particular focus on cancer prevention, control, and treatment. Efforts focusing on improving access to care may also impact inequities that contribute to health disparities. New health public policy initiatives such as the new federal and state marketplaces that have expanded insurance coverage, as well as Medicaid expansion in some states, create natural experiments ripe for evaluation. Research to be funded by this RFA should focus on the changes in national, state, and/or local policy and the response to these changes by healthcare systems, insurers, payers, communities, practices, and patients. We are keenly interested in supporting rapid learning research to study the effects of health policy changes on patients, providers, and health systems. This includes but is not limited to:

  *   Facilitators and barriers to care
  *   Unintended consequences
  *   Differential experiences and outcomes of patients seeking or receiving care
  *   Best practice models for quality care
  *   Economic Impact
Due April 1, 2021 and October 15, 2021. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for April 1 due date: March 22.

American Cancer Society: Institutional Research Grants<https://www.cancer.org/research/we-fund-cancer-research/apply-research-grant/grant-types/institutional-research-grants.html>
Institutional Research Grants are block grants averaging $120,000 per year for 3 years given to institutions as “seed money” for the initiation of projects by promising junior investigators.
Due April 1, 2021. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: March 22.

Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs
Ovarian Cancer Research Program<https://cdmrp.army.mil/funding/ocrp>
Clinical Translational Research Award
Pre-application: April 1. Invited full application: July 8.
Investigator Initiated Research Award
Pre-application: April 1. Invited full application: July 8.
Ovarian Cancer Academy Award
Pre-application: April 1. Invited full application: July 8.
Pilot Award
Pre-application: April 1. Invited full application: July 8.
Proteogenomics Research Award
Pre-application: April 1. Invited full application: July 8.
Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for pre-application due date: March 22.
Lung Cancer Research Program<https://cdmrp.army.mil/funding/lcrp>
Career Development Award
Pre-application (required letter of intent): April 6. Full application: April 20.
Concept Award
Pre-application (required letter of intent): April 6. Full application: April 20.
Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for pre-application due date: March 29.

Prostate Cancer Foundation-Pfizer Health Equity Challenge Award<https://pfe-pfizercom-d8-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/2021-02/GMG_2021-Oncology-G_PCF-PfizerHealthEquityChallengeAwards.pdf?qtsGoIlXRCBA0eAJLsWvR2eU1grK9dLM=>
The intent of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to support general research projects that will improve the understanding of or reduce disparities in the diagnosis, management and outcomes of prostate cancer patients in minority and underserved communities. General Research proposals in the following topic areas are of particular interest:

  *   Identification of barriers in the delivery of equitable healthcare
  *   Health Services research programs to study and optimize care delivery
One-year projects; $100,000-$150,000.
Letter of intent due April 9, 2021. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: March 29.

NIH Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings (Parent R13 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)<https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-21-151.html>
The purpose of the NIH Research Conference Grant (R13) is to support high quality conferences that are relevant to the public health and to the scientific mission of the participating Institutes and Centers.
Due April 12, 2021; August 12, 2021; December 12, 2021; April 12, 2022; August 12, 2022; December 12, 2022; April 12, 2023; August 12, 2023; and December 12, 2023. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: March 30.

SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 and Consequences of Alcohol Use (R03 / R21 / R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
These Funding Opportunity Announcements will support research grants to address urgent, time-sensitive research questions on the relationships between alcohol consumption and COVID-19 related outcomes and consequences. The principal area of focus is research that can improve public health in the near term by informing responses to the current COVID-19 pandemic, in view of 1) the impact of alcohol misuse on incidence and severity of COVID-19 disease or 2) the effect of the COVID-19 disease and pandemic-induced restrictions on alcohol use and alcohol use disorder. Time-sensitive applications for which standard NIH review and funding timelines would compromise either the ability to conduct the research or the value of the knowledge and with the potential to inform responses to the current pandemic will be considered.
Due April 14, 2021. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: April 1.

Foundation for Women’s Wellness Research Awards<http://thefww.org/research-awards/>
FWW Research Awards target small, short-term studies with promise for improving medical care in leading women’s health concerns including cardiovascular disease, female cancers, the role of hormones in disease and stage-of-life health issues like pregnancy and menopause and diseases disproportionately affecting women.
WW Research Awards are one-time, non-recurring $25,000.
Due April 26, 2021. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: April 13.

NSF Understanding the Rules of Life: Emergent Networks Predicting Transformation of Living Systems in Evolving Environments<https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21560/nsf21560.htm>
There are many basic research opportunities for new understanding about emerging networks of interactions among organisms, Earth, human, natural, and human-engineered systems in evolving environments. Environments can evolve in response to biotic or abiotic drivers, and evolution can occur on a variety of spatial and temporal scales, impacting various levels of organization. Understanding the Rules of Life: Emergent Networks (URoL:EN) projects may involve, but are not limited to involving, aspects of one or more of the following themes:

  *   Prediction of emergent properties of complex organismal, Earth, social, and human-engineered systems operating under conditions of evolving environments over timescales that allow for societal response.
  *   Determination of tipping points, thresholds, and/or state changes in interacting networks of living systems with Earth, social, natural, and human-engineered systems within evolving environments, determination of systems’ underlying mechanisms, and associated timescales.
  *   Establishment of general theories of emergent properties of networks of living systems with Earth, social, and human-engineered systems that are influenced by evolving environments, as well as their associated feedbacks.
  *   Exploration of potential adaptations to, and methods for mitigation of, networks of living systems with Earth, social, and human-engineered systems due to environmental variability based on a Rule of Life, which can include how past organismal changes over the history of the Earth have contributed to adaptation, or a Rule of Life based on any other biological discipline.
  *   Development of novel mathematical and computational methodologies that examine relationships between networks of systems, describing complex systems and their nonlinear interactions at multiple levels and along heterogeneous dimensions, with the goal of developing new models that broaden our understanding of emergent properties of living systems within other complex systems.
  *   Discovery and integration of the theoretical principles of one or more Rules of Life from different scientific fields — including paleobiology, biology, neuroscience, computer science, engineering, mathematics, chemistry and physics, social science, materials science, among others — to create new frameworks for transformative technologies, e.g., multi-scale sensing, communication, information processing, robotics, and AI-systems that cooperate to confer nontrivial decision-making ability and efficiently adapt to uncertain dynamic environments.
Projects may be laboratory, field, and/or simulation and theory based and may include a focus on terrestrial, aquatic, marine or polar organisms and ecosystems. Projects are encouraged to extend laboratory, experimental, theoretical, or other research approaches beyond well-established model systems, individual populations, and controlled environments, and should address how the networks under study characterize the interactions of living systems with Earth, social and/or human-engineered systems, as well as explain and predict their emergent responses to proposed interventions.
The URoL:EN Program will support projects with a total budget of up to $3,000,000 and an award duration of up to 5 years.
Due May 10, 2021. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: April 27.

NIH S10s: Basic Instrumentation Grant (BIG) Program, High-End Instrumentation (HEI) Grant Program, Shared Instrument Grant (SIG) Program
The Basic Instrumentation Grant (BIG) Program encourages applications from groups of NIH-supported investigators to purchase a single high-priced, specialized, commercially available instrument or an integrated instrumentation system. The BIG Program is limited to institutions that have not received S10 instrumentation funding of $250,001 or greater in any of the Federal fiscal years 2018-2020 (FSU fits into this category). The minimum award is $25,000. There is no maximum price limit for the instrument; however, the maximum award is $250,000. Instruments supported include, but are not limited to, basic cell sorters, confocal microscopes, ultramicrotomes, gel imagers, or computer systems
The High-End Instrumentation (HEI) Grant program encourages applications from groups of NIH-supported investigators to purchase or upgrade a single item of high-end, specialized, commercially available instruments or integrated systems. The minimum award is $600,001. There is no maximum price limit for the instrument; however, the maximum award is $2,000,000. Types of instruments supported include, but are not limited to: X-ray diffractometers, mass spectrometers, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometers, DNA and protein sequencers, biosensors, electron and light microscopes, cell sorters, high throughput robotic screening systems, and biomedical imagers.
The Shared Instrument Grant (SIG) Program encourages applications from groups of NIH-supported investigators to purchase or upgrade a single item of high-priced, specialized, commercially available instruments or integrated instrumentation system. The minimum award is $50,000. There is no maximum price limit for the instrument; however, the maximum award is $600,000. Instruments supported include, but are not limited to: X-ray diffractometers, mass spectrometers, nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers, DNA and protein sequencers, biosensors, electron and light microscopes, cell sorters, and biomedical imagers.
Due June 1, 2021. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: May 18.

Human Immunology Project Consortium (HIPC) (U19 Clinical Trial Optional)<https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-AI-20-079.html>
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for the Human Immunology Project Consortium (HIPC) solicits applications from single institutions, or consortia of institutions, to participate in a network of human immunology profiling research groups in the area of infectious diseases, including HIV. The purpose of this FOA is to characterize human immune responses/mechanisms elicited by vaccinations, vaccine adjuvants or natural infections by capitalizing on recent advances in immune profiling technologies. Studies supported under this FOA will measure the diversity and commonalities of human immune responses under a variety of conditions and longitudinally using high-throughput systems immunology approaches coupled with detailed clinical phenotyping in well-characterized human cohorts. The resulting data will be used to develop molecular signatures that define immune response profiles and identify biomarkers that correlate with the outcomes of vaccinations, vaccine adjuvants or natural infections in humans. An additional goal of this program is to promote rapid public access to HIPC-supported data and meta-data through public portals such as ImmPort. A companion FOA will support development and operation of a HIPC Coordinating Center that will be responsible for fostering collaborations amongst HIPC-funded investigators; facilitating public dissemination of integrated HIPC findings and knowledge; and supporting development or adoption of new, robust methods for data integration, analysis, presentation, and visualization to further research and development in this field.
Due June 4, 2021. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: May 24.

Natural History of Disorders Screenable in the Newborn Period (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)<https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-21-115.html>
This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) encourages applications that propose to develop studies that will lead to a broad understanding of the natural history of disorders that already do or could potentially benefit from early identification by newborn screening. A comprehensive understanding of the natural history of a disorder has been identified as a necessary element to facilitate appropriate interventions for infants identified by newborn screening. By defining the sequence and timing of the onset of symptoms and complications of a disorder, a valuable resource will be developed for the field. In addition, for some disorders, specific genotype-phenotype correlations may allow prediction of the clinical course, and for other disorders, identification of modifying genetic, epigenetic, or environmental factors will enhance an understanding of the clinical outcomes for an individual with such a condition. Comprehensive data on natural history will facilitate the field’s ability to: 1) accurately diagnose the disorder; 2) understand the genetic and clinical heterogeneity and phenotypic expression of the disorder; 3) identify underlying mechanisms related to basic defects; 4) potentially prevent, manage, and treat symptoms and complications of the disorder; and 5) provide children and their families with needed support and predictive information about the disorder.
Standard dates apply. Expires January 28, 2024. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for June 5 standard date: May 24.

Expert-Driven Small Projects to Strengthen Gabriella Miller Kids First Discovery (R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)<https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-RM-21-011.html>
The NIH Common Fund has established the Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Program (Kids First) with the vision of alleviating suffering from childhood cancer and structural birth defects by fostering collaborative research to uncover the etiology of these diseases and supporting data sharing within the pediatric research community. Kids First has established and continues to develop a Data Resource including a large collection of curated genomic and phenotypic data from childhood cancer and structural birth defects cohorts and a central portal where these data and analysis tools are accessible to the research community. This FOA is intended to engage experts in a variety of activities that will enhance the utility of childhood cancer and/or structural birth defects genomic datasets generated by the Kids First program and/or associated phenotypic datasets and resources. These activities should strengthen future analyses of Kids First datasets by the broader researcher community with the ultimate goal of improving diagnostic capabilities and therapies for children and their families affected by these conditions.
Due June 18, 2021. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: June 7.

To search for additional funding opportunities, please visit CoM’s unofficial funding opportunities blog<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__fsucomgrants.wordpress.com_&d=DwMGaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=EXkFPz4CfHp2YvDR6s1e2OHGNt7ixTIGEDylKw2SIo1FQ8O9soOgOzmn5ZTHU62o&m=-WQkPIXZLCgXlX-d14DY8B-SG-GvP9FZHr_Gv8sUuTQ&s=ErAzzubGxiJsWCKGnlFjfXV6980C-DCl-AxzFLHMVYQ&e=>.

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