Weekly Funding Opportunities

Med Research Research at med.fsu.edu
Mon Mar 23 14:39:38 EDT 2020

Patient-oriented Research to Mitigate Health Disparities and Lessen the Burden of Chronic Diseases Within the Mission of NIDDK (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-DK-20-015.html__;!!PhOWcWs!npPqBbW4Awq5UIt1u0Tj9dPg8baW0NPlvlqtv18A4211m4rHo4Oa-9Hzhj3Zb51vW_QvmGl8emCVs1M6XgA$ >
This Funding Opportunity Announcement invites applications to conduct patient-oriented clinical research studies designed to develop strategies to mitigate health disparities in people with one or more chronic diseases or conditions within the mission of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). Populations of interest include those disproportionately burdened with multiple chronic conditions and/or disparities in social, behavioral and/or biological risk factors. Only studies that involve interaction with human participants will be considered appropriate for this FOA.
Due May 22, 2020. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: May 11.

Amgen Foundation: Migraine Research<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.amgenscientificgrants.com/migraine/index.html__;!!PhOWcWs!npPqBbW4Awq5UIt1u0Tj9dPg8baW0NPlvlqtv18A4211m4rHo4Oa-9Hzhj3Zb51vW_QvmGl8emCVP9ZRtCY$ >
Amgen's Competitive Grant Program in Migraine Research will provide an opportunity for early career investigators in the United States to compete for individual grants of US$50,000–150,000 for novel research proposals that seek to advance the medical knowledge of migraine. The program is limited to proposals from early career investigators (interns, residents, headache medicine fellows, and healthcare professionals within 5 years of completion of training) based in the United States and requires a letter of recommendation from their department or laboratory head.
Specific predefined areas of research eligible for a Competitive Grant Program in Migraine Research award include:

  *   Non-interventional clinical research with a focus on early diagnosis and treatment, epidemiology, and Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO)/Quality of Life (QoL) measures.
  *   Biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis.
  *   Preclinical research focused on mechanism of disease (non-calcitonin gene-related peptide [CGRP]- and non-pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide [PACAP]-related).
Due May 22, 2020. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: May 11.

Center of Excellence for Research on Complementary and Integrative Health (P01 Clinical Trial Optional)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-20-138.html__;!!PhOWcWs!npPqBbW4Awq5UIt1u0Tj9dPg8baW0NPlvlqtv18A4211m4rHo4Oa-9Hzhj3Zb51vW_QvmGl8emCV8AXoV2c$ >
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages the submission of applications requiring multi-project, synergistic collaborations blending multiple research approaches from outstanding multidisciplinary research teams. This Center of Excellence for Research on Complementary and Integrative Health (CERCIH) program is designed to support three or more highly meritorious projects that can offer significant scientific advantages and “synergy” that could not be achieved by supporting the same projects as individual research grants. Each CERCIH must be focused on questions of high relevance to the mission of NCCIH and high research priority based on the current Strategic Plan. Applications in response to this FOA may propose to involve human participants in mechanistic studies, but this FOA will not support clinical trials of efficacy or effectiveness.
Standard dates apply. Expires May 26, 2023. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for May 25, 2020 standard date: May 12.

Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs
Military Burn Research Program<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cdmrp.army.mil/funding/mbrp__;!!PhOWcWs!npPqBbW4Awq5UIt1u0Tj9dPg8baW0NPlvlqtv18A4211m4rHo4Oa-9Hzhj3Zb51vW_QvmGl8emCVOlD2-gw$ >
Clinical Translational Research Award
Pre-application (prepropsal): May 15, 2020. Invited full application: August 20, 2020.
Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for pre-application: May 4.
Peer Reviewed Orthopaedic Research Program<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cdmrp.army.mil/funding/prorp__;!!PhOWcWs!npPqBbW4Awq5UIt1u0Tj9dPg8baW0NPlvlqtv18A4211m4rHo4Oa-9Hzhj3Zb51vW_QvmGl8emCVdDMkAjY$ >
Applied Research Award
Pre-application (preproposal): May 27, 2020. Application: September 10, 2020.
Clinical Trial Award
Pre-application (preproposal): May 27, 2020. Application: September 10, 2020.
Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for pre-application: May 18.
Clinical Translational Research Award
Pre-application: April 15, 2020. Invited full application: July 16, 2020.
Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for pre-application: April 2.
Prostate Cancer Research Program<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cdmrp.army.mil/funding/prorp__;!!PhOWcWs!npPqBbW4Awq5UIt1u0Tj9dPg8baW0NPlvlqtv18A4211m4rHo4Oa-9Hzhj3Zb51vW_QvmGl8emCVdDMkAjY$ >
Early Investigator Research Award
Pre-application (letter of intent): June 4, 2020. Confidential letters of recommendation: June 23, 2020. Application: June 18, 2020.
Physician Research Award
Pre-application (letter of intent): June 4, 2020. Confidential letters of recommendation: June 23, 2020. Application: June 18, 2020.
Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for pre-application: May 26.
Spinal Cord Injury Research Program<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cdmrp.army.mil/funding/scirp__;!!PhOWcWs!npPqBbW4Awq5UIt1u0Tj9dPg8baW0NPlvlqtv18A4211m4rHo4Oa-9Hzhj3Zb51vW_QvmGl8emCVGkMwlrw$ >
Clinical Trial Award
Pre-application (preproposal): May 21, 2020. Application: August 25, 2020.
Translational Research Award
Pre-application (preproposal): May 21, 2020. Application: August 25, 2020.
Investigator Initiated Research Award
Pre-application (preproposal): May 21, 2020. Application: August 25, 2020.
Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for pre-application: May 11.
Tick-Borne Disease Research Program<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cdmrp.army.mil/funding/tbdrp.aspx__;!!PhOWcWs!npPqBbW4Awq5UIt1u0Tj9dPg8baW0NPlvlqtv18A4211m4rHo4Oa-9Hzhj3Zb51vW_QvmGl8emCVsegwyf8$ >
Career Development Award
Pre-application (preproposal): May 27, 2020. Invited full application: August 27, 2020.
Idea Award
Pre-application (preproposal): May 27, 2020. Invited full application: August 27, 2020.
Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for pre-application: May 18.

Increasing Uptake of Evidence-Based Screening in Diverse Adult Populations (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-18-932.html__;!!PhOWcWs!npPqBbW4Awq5UIt1u0Tj9dPg8baW0NPlvlqtv18A4211m4rHo4Oa-9Hzhj3Zb51vW_QvmGl8emCVKnexCHA$ >
This Funding Opportunity Announcement invites applications that seek to understand strategies to reduce disparities in the uptake of evidence-based screening (e.g., screening recommendations proven to be effective based on rigorous systematic review of scientific evidence by authoritative committees) across the adult lifespan. In this program announcement, screening is defined as a preventive service focused on detection of an undiagnosed disease in asymptomatic populations. Research supported by this initiative should enhance the screening process related to use: (1) in diverse populations, (2) in diverse clinical and community settings, and/or (3) with traditional, non-traditional and/or allied health care providers.
Standard dates apply. Due January 8, 2022. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for June 5, 2020 standard date: May 26.

Catalytic Tool and Technology Development in Kidney, Urologic, and Hematologic Diseases (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-20-140.html__;!!PhOWcWs!npPqBbW4Awq5UIt1u0Tj9dPg8baW0NPlvlqtv18A4211m4rHo4Oa-9Hzhj3Zb51vW_QvmGl8emCV1t7uduk$ >
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement is to promote development of innovative, enabling tools and technologies in the areas of kidney, urologic, and hematologic diseases.
Standard dates apply. Expires May 8, 2023. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for June 16, 2020 standard date: June 3.

Novel Synthetic Nucleic Acid Technology Development (R21 / R01) (Clinical Trial not allowed)
R21<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-HG-20-015.html__;!!PhOWcWs!npPqBbW4Awq5UIt1u0Tj9dPg8baW0NPlvlqtv18A4211m4rHo4Oa-9Hzhj3Zb51vW_QvmGl8emCVbrk-ALU$ >
R01<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-HG-20-014.html__;!!PhOWcWs!npPqBbW4Awq5UIt1u0Tj9dPg8baW0NPlvlqtv18A4211m4rHo4Oa-9Hzhj3Zb51vW_QvmGl8emCVdFApl9k$ >
These Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA) solicit grant applications to develop novel technologies that will enable substantive (no less than one order of magnitude) improvement in synthetic nucleic acids. The goal is to improve the quality, capabilities, and efficiency of nucleic acid synthesis and synthetic constructs at reasonable and decreased costs. Applicants may propose to develop novel complete synthesis and/or synthetic constructs systems, investigate challenges underlying key novel system components, or propose substantive improvements of at least an order of magnitude improvement to existing systems. Exploration of methods other than those currently in use is highly encouraged.
Due June 24, 2020; February 1, 2021; October 1, 2021; and June 24, 2022. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for June 24, 2020 deadline: June 11.

Limited Competition: Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program: Collaborative Innovation Award (U01 Clinical Trial Optional)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-19-099.html__;!!PhOWcWs!npPqBbW4Awq5UIt1u0Tj9dPg8baW0NPlvlqtv18A4211m4rHo4Oa-9Hzhj3Zb51vW_QvmGl8emCV4lZtu60$ >
Note: For this U01, “limited competition” means (1) only institutions with a CTSA can apply, and (2) the application must include investigators from three (or more) program hub institutions. The UF-FSU CTSA is a single hub. The Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program Collaborative Innovation Award (CCIA) supports collaborative research activities that develop innovative solutions that will improve the efficiency, quality and impact of turning laboratory, clinic and community observations into interventions that improve the health of individuals and the public. This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) will support investigators from three or more CTSA Program hub institutions (see current UL1 awardees<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://projectreporter.nih.gov/Reporter_Viewsh.cfm?sl=15EEC10C4A89CEDF7598B8961CAA4A01A2FFCEB861BF__;!!PhOWcWs!npPqBbW4Awq5UIt1u0Tj9dPg8baW0NPlvlqtv18A4211m4rHo4Oa-9Hzhj3Zb51vW_QvmGl8emCVFaFCk3g$ >) to either: 1) form new collaborations, or to 2) significantly expand the scientific scope of existing collaborations, or to 3) engage new collaborators in pre-existing collaborations to solve a translational science problem no one hub can solve alone, or disseminate a solution to a translational science problem developed at one hub to other hubs, in so doing testing its robustness to different hub environments and structures and adapting it for further dissemination within outside the CTSA Program consortium if appropriate.
Due July 10, 2020; November 9, 2020; March 8, 2021; July 9, 2021; and November 9, 2021. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for July 10, 2020 deadline: June 29.

Limited Competition: Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program: Exploratory Collaborative Innovation Awards (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-19-100.html__;!!PhOWcWs!npPqBbW4Awq5UIt1u0Tj9dPg8baW0NPlvlqtv18A4211m4rHo4Oa-9Hzhj3Zb51vW_QvmGl8emCVPsVrJBc$ >
Note: For this U01, “limited competition” means (1) only institutions with a CTSA can apply, and (2) the application must include investigators from two (or more) program hub institutions. The UF-FSU CTSA is a single hub. The Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program Collaborative Innovation Award (CCIA) supports collaborative research activities that develop innovative solutions that will improve the efficiency, quality and impact of turning laboratory, clinic and community observations into interventions that improve the health of individuals and the public. This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) will support investigators from two or more CTSA Program hub institutions (see current UL1 awardees<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://projectreporter.nih.gov/Reporter_Viewsh.cfm?sl=15EEC10C4A89CEDF7598B8961CAA4A01A2FFCEB861BF__;!!PhOWcWs!npPqBbW4Awq5UIt1u0Tj9dPg8baW0NPlvlqtv18A4211m4rHo4Oa-9Hzhj3Zb51vW_QvmGl8emCVFaFCk3g$ >) to either: 1) form new collaborations, or to 2) significantly expand the scientific scope of existing collaborations, or to 3) engage new collaborators in pre- existing collaborations to solve a translational science problem no one hub can solve alone, or disseminate a solution to a translational science problem developed at one hub to other hubs, in so doing testing its robustness to different hub environments and structures and adapting it for further dissemination within outside the CTSA Program consortium if appropriate.
Due July 10, 2020; November 9, 2020; March 8, 2021; July 9, 2021; and November 9, 2021. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for July 10, 2020 deadline: June 29.

Research to Reduce Morbidity and Improve Care for Pediatric, and Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Cancer Survivors (R21 / R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
R21<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/rfa-ca-20-028.html__;!!PhOWcWs!npPqBbW4Awq5UIt1u0Tj9dPg8baW0NPlvlqtv18A4211m4rHo4Oa-9Hzhj3Zb51vW_QvmGl8emCV47VQeZw$ >
R01<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-CA-20-027.html__;!!PhOWcWs!npPqBbW4Awq5UIt1u0Tj9dPg8baW0NPlvlqtv18A4211m4rHo4Oa-9Hzhj3Zb51vW_QvmGl8emCVFSv3Q8Y$ >
Through these Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs), the National Cancer Institute invites applications describing research focused on improving care and health-related quality of life for childhood, and adolescent, and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors. Specifically, these FOAs solicit mechanistic, observational, and intervention applications that focus on six key domains: (1) disparities in survivor outcomes; (2) barriers to follow-up care (e.g., access, adherence); (3) impact of familial, socioeconomic, and other environmental factors on survivor outcomes; (4) indicators for long-term follow-up needs related to risk for late effects, recurrence, and subsequent cancers; (5) risk factors and predictors of late/long-term effects of cancer treatment; and (6) development of targeted interventions to reduce the burden of cancer for pediatric/AYA survivors.
Due July 31, 2020 and July 30, 2021. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for July 31, 2020 deadline: July 20.

To search for additional funding opportunities, please visit CoM’s unofficial funding opportunities blog<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__fsucomgrants.wordpress.com_&d=DwMGaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=EXkFPz4CfHp2YvDR6s1e2OHGNt7ixTIGEDylKw2SIo1FQ8O9soOgOzmn5ZTHU62o&m=-WQkPIXZLCgXlX-d14DY8B-SG-GvP9FZHr_Gv8sUuTQ&s=ErAzzubGxiJsWCKGnlFjfXV6980C-DCl-AxzFLHMVYQ&e=>.
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