Weekly Funding Opportunities

Med Research Research at med.fsu.edu
Mon Jun 15 10:01:02 EDT 2020

COVID-19 Forecasts

Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Digital healthcare interventions to address the secondary health effects related to social, behavioral, and economic impact of COVID-19 (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional)<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__grants.nih.gov_grants_guide_notice-2Dfiles_NOT-2DMH-2D20-2D058.html&d=DwMCaQ&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=MwrBfGMheFfx92OowTFxDQ&m=LXyTZdPp2a-DV1BdjPVP1ec1QktjGkeVbLpP-gyUdg8&s=H6FIR2j_9JlmmqRxA_zeqBHH7o6AxF_WqhLYQpc5iTc&e=>
Estimated FOA publication date: June 20.
Estimated application deadline: July 20.
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) with other ICs are issuing this Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement to promote new initiatives that will solicit applications to support research to determine the role and impact of digital health interventions [e.g., mobile health (mhealth), telemedicine and telehealth, health information technology (IT), wearable devices] to address secondary health effects of the social, behavioral, and economic changes following the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly among populations who experience health disparities and vulnerable populations. This FOA will utilize the R01 activity code and academic researchers will be required to partner with digital health developers and/or existing well-established digital health delivery platforms to prepare and submit applications. This notice is provided to allow potential applicants sufficient time to develop meaningful collaborations and responsive applications. This Notice encourages investigators to acquire and leverage partnerships with digital health developers and/or existing well-established digital health delivery platforms, to consider applying for research support that follows a deployment-focused model of services design and testing. Research areas supported under this program include: reach, access, engagement, and effectiveness to screen and treat health conditions at scale not possible through traditional healthcare settings, including for areas and populations where healthcare access may be limited or not utilized. Proposed research should reflect the highest impact, with rigorous methods including sufficient power, and consideration of urgent public health needs in the context of populations eligible for consideration under this effort. This FOA will require focus on health disparate and vulnerable populations.

Notice of Intent to Publish a Funding Opportunity Announcement for Community Interventions to Address the Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Health Disparity and Vulnerable Populations (R01- Clinical Trial Optional)<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__grants.nih.gov_grants_guide_notice-2Dfiles_NOT-2DMD-2D20-2D023.html&d=DwMCaQ&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=MwrBfGMheFfx92OowTFxDQ&m=LXyTZdPp2a-DV1BdjPVP1ec1QktjGkeVbLpP-gyUdg8&s=ku3HNkgslqORQ6m_JtSRN12gmgIr55ucNfXuUo6LE80&e=>
Estimated FOA publication date: June 22.
Estimated application deadline: July 22.
The National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), with the other participating NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices(ICOs), intends to promote a new initiative by publishing a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to solicit research to evaluate community interventions testing 1) the impacts of mitigation strategies to prevent COVID-19 transmission in NIH-designated health disparity populations and other vulnerable groups; and 2) already implemented, new, or adapted interventions to address the adverse psychosocial, sociocultural, behavioral, and socioeconomic consequences of the pandemic on the health of these groups. This FOA will utilize the R01 activity code. Researchers will be encouraged to partner with community organizations, health service providers, public health agencies, policymakers, and other stakeholders to prepare and submit applications. This Notice encourages investigators to acquire and leverage partnerships with key stakeholders to test community interventions to ameliorate the impact of psychosocial, sociocultural, behavioral, and socioeconomic consequences of COVID-19 on the health of populations known to experience health disparities and other vulnerable populations. Projects may evaluate existing or ongoing community-based programs or policies (i.e., natural experiments) or prospectively test new or adapted interventions. Projects that do not solely target individuals but also address the upstream determinants that influence individual functioning and health outcomes will be strongly encouraged. Proposed research should reflect the highest impact, with rigorous methods including sufficient power, and consideration of urgent public health needs in the context of populations eligible for consideration under this effort. Projects must focus on U.S. NIH-designated health disparity populations and/or COVID-19 vulnerable populations. NIH-designated health disparity populations include racial and ethnic minorities, socioeconomically disadvantaged populations, underserved rural populations, and sexual and gender minorities. COVID-19 vulnerable populations include residents of chronic care and assisted living facilities; community-dwelling older adults; individuals with cognitive impairment or dementia; homeless populations; incarcerated populations and those involved with the criminal justice system (e.g., participants of re-entry programs); adults with medical comorbidities; pregnant women; children and adolescents; individuals with substance use disorders or severe mental illness, those living in congregate housing (e.g., shelters, residential treatment or assisted living); persons who are deaf or with disabilities including visual, hearing, communication, or mobility impairment; detainees in immigration centers; migrant communities; individuals living on tribal lands or reservations; and communities that are exposed to high rates of air pollution or other toxic exposures. Vulnerable groups also include those on the frontlines of healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic, and those working in essential business operations (e.g., grocery and pharmacy workers, transportation, hospital and community janitorial/sanitation workers, waste collectors, postal and other delivery service workers, warehouse personnel, etc.).

Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation: Neuroimaging and CSF Biomarker Development Program<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.alzdiscovery.org/research-and-grants/funding-opportunities/biomarkers__;!!PhOWcWs!gh3nTSX6vB2dityb78Y6wWiMALHaPIDlPxc0SfU0PrT-rJgfY4iyYwh5KNvBj8BVFNlIwvr2mFdzbfbhd4E$ >
Specifically, this RFP focuses on:

  *   developing novel PET ligands for clinical use
  *   supporting novel CSF biomarkers
  *   validating established MRI approaches in larger cohorts
Novel biomarkers of neuroinflammation and synaptic integrity are considered high priority. Other target areas of interest include:

  *   Neuronal loss
  *   Vascular injury and blood-brain barrier integrity
  *   Mitochondria and metabolic function
  *   Protein misfolding/proteostasis
  *   Oxidative stress
  *   White matter changes
  *   Other novel targets supported by compelling biological rationale and connection to disease
The ADDF has limited interest in CSF measures of amyloid and tau.
Average Award:
Up to $600,000 based on stage and scope of research. No IDC.
Average Duration
One year with potential for follow-on funding. Multi-year proposals can be considered.
Letter of intent due July 10, 2020 and October 9, 2020. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for July 10 letter of intent deadline: June 29.

American Association for Cancer Research: Science of the Patient<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.aacr.org/grants/aacr-the-mark-foundation-for-cancer-research-science-of-the-patient-sop-grants/__;!!PhOWcWs!gh3nTSX6vB2dityb78Y6wWiMALHaPIDlPxc0SfU0PrT-rJgfY4iyYwh5KNvBj8BVFNlIwvr2mFdzLZx8_Sw$ >
The Science the Patient Grants Program represents a joint effort to stimulate novel research aimed at understanding the influence of the biology of the host (i.e., patient) on the genesis, development, treatment, and survivorship of cancer. Successful projects should emphasize the interplay of host physiological systems with the tumor and/or tumor microenvironment. Harnessing the powerful approach of examining cancer not as an isolated phenomenon but as a systemic disease that affects and is affected by both the normal and pathological functions of the patient’s body, these grants are expected to yield important advancements in our understanding of cancer development, progression, and treatment. Individuals with innovative ideas that have the potential to affect future clinical practice are particularly encouraged to apply. 3 year projects; $750,000; 10% IDC.
Letter of intent due July 13, 2020. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: June 29.

Emergency Awards: Research Projects in SARS-CoV-2 Serological Sciences (U01 Clinical Trial Optional)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-CA-20-039.html__;!!PhOWcWs!gh3nTSX6vB2dityb78Y6wWiMALHaPIDlPxc0SfU0PrT-rJgfY4iyYwh5KNvBj8BVFNlIwvr2mFdz3CNZYlk$ >
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is associated with the COVID-19 Supplement funded through the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act (P.L. 116-139) which directs the National Cancer Institute of the NIH “to develop, validate, improve, and implement serological testing and associated technologies.” The purpose of the FOA is to establish Serological Sciences Research Projects with the goals of: identifying and advancing research opportunities to characterize the immune responses elicited by SARS-CoV-2 viral infection; understanding the mechanisms driving the serological, humoral and cellular immune responses; determining host, genetic, and environmental modifiers of the immune response; and determining the serological correlates of disease pathogenesis and protection against future infection; defining access, communication, and implementation barriers related to SARS-CoV-2 serological testing. These U01 Research Projects will be part of a Serological Sciences Network (SeroNet). Other components of the Network will include Serological Sciences Centers of Excellence (U54), the FNLCR Serology Laboratory, Serological Capacity Building Centers (CBC), and a Serological Sciences Network Coordinating Center (SSNCC), which will be managed through the Frederick National Lab for Cancer Research (FNLCR), a Federally Funded Research and Development Center. It may also include SBIR grants and other grants and contracts related to serology associated with SARS-CoV-2. All components are expected to collaborate across the entire Network, sharing data, results, and reagents.
Due July 22, 2020. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: July 9.

Interventions among People Living with HIV (R21 / R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
R21<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-CA-20-036.html__;!!PhOWcWs!gh3nTSX6vB2dityb78Y6wWiMALHaPIDlPxc0SfU0PrT-rJgfY4iyYwh5KNvBj8BVFNlIwvr2mFdz5zDEo40$ >
R01<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/rfa-ca-20-035.html__;!!PhOWcWs!gh3nTSX6vB2dityb78Y6wWiMALHaPIDlPxc0SfU0PrT-rJgfY4iyYwh5KNvBj8BVFNlIwvr2mFdzLWirluY$ >
The purpose of these Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) is to provide support for research designed to optimize smoking cessation treatment among people living with HIV (PLWH) in the United States. Responsive applications must propose research that will be conducted with PLWH and will inform efforts to reduce the incidence of tobacco-related morbidity and mortality among PLWH. Research may address the behavioral and sociocultural factors and conditions that are associated with cigarette smoking among PLWH and may also address smoking-related health disparities among PLWH, considering the heterogeneity across the various subgroups of PLWH. These FOAs aim to support research to systematically test existing evidence-based smoking cessation interventions (e.g., combination of behavioral and pharmacological) and/or to develop and test adaptations of evidence-based smoking cessation interventions among PLWH. The principal focus of this initiative is on cigarette smoking cessation; however, studies that address dual/poly tobacco product use as part of a cigarette smoking cessation intervention are acceptable. Proposed projects must include prospective, comparative evaluation(s) of the intervention(s) in terms of the rates of cigarette smoking cessation, including sustained abstinence, among current cigarette smokers.
Due September 4, 2020. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: August 24.

To search for additional funding opportunities, please visit CoM’s unofficial funding opportunities blog<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__fsucomgrants.wordpress.com_&d=DwMGaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=EXkFPz4CfHp2YvDR6s1e2OHGNt7ixTIGEDylKw2SIo1FQ8O9soOgOzmn5ZTHU62o&m=-WQkPIXZLCgXlX-d14DY8B-SG-GvP9FZHr_Gv8sUuTQ&s=ErAzzubGxiJsWCKGnlFjfXV6980C-DCl-AxzFLHMVYQ&e=>.
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