FSU Funding Opportunity for COVID-19 Related Projects

Med Research Research at med.fsu.edu
Mon Apr 20 13:59:58 EDT 2020

Forwarded on behalf of Dr. Jeffrey Joyce.  If you intend to submit a proposal to this program, please notify Med-RA at research at med.fsu.edu<mailto:research at med.fsu.edu> for assistance with approvals.

Letters of intent are due April 27th, and proposals are due April 30th.


The Office of Research Development is requesting proposals for short-term planning projects in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and the expectation of significant amounts of federal stimulus funding later this year. This unique Collaborative Collision seed fund opportunity will provide grants up to $20,000 for short term research and planning projects related directly to the health, social, or economic impacts of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and which will position teams to compete for additional, external funding within 90-120 days. Typically, Collaborative Collision seed fund grants are highly competitive, with only one to two awards per cycle. Due to the unprecedented nature of the current crisis, this round intends to fund as many high quality proposals as possible. This opportunity is also open to all FSU faculty with tenure-track or research appointments. Unlike past Collaborative Collision seed funds, participants do not need to have attended the actual event.

Collaborative Collision grants are intended to allow teams to position themselves to seek external funding for a new research initiative by demonstrating a history of successful collaboration. This round of funding has unique characteristics, not found in previous Collaborative Collision Funding Opportunity Announcements. These changes are intended to facilitate rapid project development, and an accelerated competition cycle. Significant changes include a mandatory Letter of Intent and a reduction in proposal page limit. Additionally, teams may involve outside partners such as state or local government agencies, or nonprofit organizations in their efforts. Proposed projects must be directly related to understanding and/or addressing the health, social, or economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Project teams are expected to propose clear deliverables such as preliminary reports or datasets that will allow them to transition the project to external funding quickly upon the expected release of federal stimulus programs or other new funding opportunities.

The Funding Opportunity Announcement document can be downloaded at : https://www.research.fsu.edu/research-offices/ord/collaborative-collision/cc-foa/

This opportunity is sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research. If you or your faculty have any questions please feel free to email me.


Mike Mitchell
Program Manager
Strategic Initiatives and Proposal Development
Office of Research Development
Florida State University
2019 Westcott North Annex
P 850.644.9511
mike.mitchell at fsu.edu<mailto:mike.mitchell at fsu.edu>

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