Weekly Funding Opportunities

Med Research Research at med.fsu.edu
Thu Aug 8 16:50:00 EDT 2019

Concern Foundation: Conquer Cancer Now Award<https://www.concernfoundation.org/apply-for-grant.html>
The Concern Foundation helps to bridge the gap that currently exists in the scientific research community by supporting promising early career scientists and providing critically-needed "seed" money for innovative research projects.
To advance this mission, the foundation is inviting Letters of Intent for its Conquer Cancer Now Award program. Through the program, grants of $60,000 a year for up to two years will be awarded to approximately twenty young cancer researchers in support of innovative research in the areas of cancer genetics, cancer biology, or cancer immunology. The foundation does not fund clinical trials, cancer epidemiology, or behavioral studies.
To be eligible, applicants must be an independent investigator at the start of his/her scientific career (i.e., junior faculty) and at the level of assistant professor (or equivalent, with explanation). PIs must have been in their current position for at least one year at the time of submission of the LOI. Applications are accepted from institutions in the United States and abroad and U.S. citizenship is not a requirement.
Letter of intent due September 5, 2019. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: August 22, 2019.

NIA Multi-site Clinical Trial Implementation Grant (R01 Clinical Trial Required)<https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-19-302.html>
This Funding Opportunity Announcement invites applications for implementation of investigator-initiated multi-site interventional clinical trials (all phases). The trials should be hypothesis-driven, milestone-defined, and related to NIA's research mission. Information about NIA's mission can be found on the NIA website<http://www.nia.nih.gov>.
Standard dates apply. Expires September 8, 2022. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for October 2019 deadline: September 24, 2019.

NHLBI Single-Site Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trials (R61 / R33 Clinical Trial Required)<https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-19-328.html>
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) supports applications to develop and implement investigator-initiated single site clinical trials including efficacy, comparative effectiveness, pragmatic and/or implementation research clinical trials. These trials may include ones that test different therapeutic, behavioral, and/or prevention strategies. Trials for which this FOA applies must be relevant to the research mission of the NHLBI and meet the NIH definition of a clinical trial (see NOT-OD-15-015<https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-15-015.html>). For additional information about the mission, strategic vision, and research priorities of the NHLBI, applicants are encouraged to consult the NHLBI website<http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov>. This FOA will utilize a bi-phasic, milestone-driven mechanism of award. The objective of the application is to present the scientific rationale for the clinical trial and a comprehensive scientific and operational plan that describes it. The application should address project management, subject recruitment and retention, performance milestones, scientific conduct of the trial, and dissemination of results. The multiple PD/PI model is strongly encouraged but not required. Applicants are encouraged to include a PD/PI with expertise in biostatistics, clinical trial design, and coordination.
Due October 11, 2019; February 11, 2020; June 10, 2020; October 14, 2020; February 11, 2021; June 10, 2021; October 14, 2021; February 11, 2022; and June 10, 2022. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for October 2019 deadline: September 30, 2019.

Early-Stage T1 Translational Aging Research (Bench to Bedside) for the Development of Novel Therapeutics (R33 and R21/R33 Clinical Trial Optional)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages Exploratory/Developmental Phase II (R33) grant applications to facilitate early-stage T1 translation (bench-to-bedside) of discoveries from basic and applied research in aging into novel therapeutics for the prevention and treatment of clinical conditions related to aging or multiple chronic conditions in older people (e.g., sarcopenia, hearth failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFePF), immunosenescence, pulmonary fibrosis, metabolic syndrome, chronic kidney disease). This includes the development of pharmacological strategies such as new classes of compounds (e.g., senolytics, anti-inflammatory agents, modulators of proteostasis and autophagy), natural products (or their derivatives, mimics, and synthetic equivalents), biologics, stem/progenitor cell-based therapies, and the repurposing of Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drugs. Applications submitted in response to this FOA may involve novel treatment targets and/or innovative approaches for engaging known targets. The R33 mechanism is intended to provide milestone-driven support (up to 5 years) for innovative exploratory and developmental research activities originally initiated under the R21 mechanism. Awardees from NIA's R21 T1 translational aging research program are encouraged to apply to this FOA to expand upon the translation of their candidate pharmacological interventions from prior studies. Other applicants with sufficient and strong preliminary/proof-of-concept data (equivalent to that achievable under a R21) for a novel drug target, new compound(s), or for a potential new clinical indication for an FDA-approved drug for age-related conditions are also eligible to apply to this FOA. The scope of early-stage T1 translational research activities to be conducted under the R33 is expected to vary with the stage of translation of the candidate therapeutic. Nevertheless, the R33 support should advance the experimental intervention closer to human testing (if warranted).

This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages Exploratory/Developmental Phased Innovation (R21/R33) grant applications to facilitate early-stage T1 translation (bench-to-bedside) of discoveries from basic and applied research in aging into novel therapeutics for the prevention and treatment of clinical conditions related to aging and/or multiple chronic conditions in older people (e.g., sarcopenia, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), immunosenescence, metabolic syndrome, chronic kidney disease). This includes the development of pharmacological strategies such as new classes of compounds (e.g., senolytics, anti-inflammatory agents, modulators of proteostasis and autophagy), natural products (or their derivatives, mimics, and synthetic equivalents), biologics, stem/progenitor cell-based therapies, and the repurposing of Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drugs. This FOA provides support for up to two years (R21, milestone-driven exploratory phase) for preliminary, proof-of-concept studies, which is followed by up to three years of support (R33 phase) for further/expanded preclinical development of the candidate therapeutic. Applicants may request funds for the development of assays and other methodologies required for translational studies in the project budget for the R21 and/or R33 phases. Funding for the R33 phase will be contingent on successful completion of established milestones in the R21 phase.

The development of non-pharmacological interventions is considered outside the scope of these FOAs. Applications that focus on Alzheimer's disease or its related dementias are also outside the scope of these announcements.
Standard dates apply. Expires July 17, 2022. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for October 2019 deadline: October 3, 2019.

Mechanisms of Tolerance (R21 / R33 - Clinical Trial Required)<https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-19-311.html>
This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) focuses on sensitivity and tolerance mechanisms underlying the development of alcohol use disorder. The intent of this FOA is to: (1) develop hypotheses about cellular, molecular or network mechanisms that regulate sensitivity and tolerance to alcohol, and (2) develop quantitative models to predict the development of tolerance and the progression to alcohol use disorder. These objectives will be accomplished with a Phased Innovation (R21/R33) mechanism, clinical trial required, in which secondary data analysis or pilot studies can occur during the R21 phase, and research testing the hypotheses can be expanded in the R33 phase. The transition to the R33 phase will be determined by NIAAA program staff after evaluation of the achievement of specific milestones set for the R21 phase.
Standard dates apply. Expires January 08, 2022. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for October 2019 deadline: October 3, 2019.

Revision Applications to Support the Application of Informatics Technology for Cancer Research (R01 / U01 Clinical Trials Optional)
The purpose of these Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) is to encourage revision applications (formerly called "competing revisions") from currently funded NCI R01 / U01 research projects proposing to expand upon the original research question(s) or otherwise accelerate progress for the parent study by incorporating informatics methods, tools or resources developed through current or previous support from the NCI Informatics Technology for Cancer Research (ITCR) Program<https://itcr.cancer.gov/>. Awards from these FOAs are meant to spur novel collaborations and to incentivize the adoption, adaptation, and integration of these informatics technologies in support of the appropriate research communities. As a component of the NCI ITCR program, these FOAs aim to promote interdisciplinary collaboration in the adoption and enhancement of innovative informatics methods, tools, and resources that enable cancer research and accelerate scientific discovery.
Due November 20, 2019. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: November 6, 2019.

Catalyst Award In Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases (DP1 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)<https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-DK-19-014.html>
The Catalyst Award in Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases (Catalyst-DEMD) is designed to complement NIDDK's traditional, investigator-initiated grant programs by supporting individual scientists who propose pioneering and transformational studies in DEMD topic areas. Applications should be focused on major scientific challenges, and have the potential to produce an unusually high impact on diseases and conditions that are central to the mission of NIDDK's Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases. To be considered responsive to this initiative, the proposed research should reflect new and novel scientific directions that are distinct from concepts and approaches being pursued in the investigator's research program or elsewhere.
Due December 3, 2019. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: November 18, 2019.

Characterization of Mycobacterial Induced Immunity in HIV-infected and Uninfected Individuals (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)<https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-18-923.html>
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support innovative studies to identify and understand the immunological responses that mediate protection from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection or following vaccination with Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) or investigational vaccines. Studies may focus on any stage of mycobacterial infection and may include HIV-infected or uninfected individuals. Development of novel functional assays to assess host response and inclusion of immune profiling and systems biology approaches are encouraged. This FOA seeks to stimulate innovative research in deciphering immune mechanisms in humans required for protection from Mtb infection or tuberculosis (TB) disease, or induced by TB vaccines, that go beyond what have traditionally been investigated in TB.
Due January 14, 2020 and January 14, 2021. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for 2020 deadline: January 2, 2020.

Mechanisms of Mycobacterial-Induced Immunity in HIV-Infected and/or Uninfected Individuals to Inform Innovative Tuberculosis Vaccine Design (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)<https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-19-307.html>
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support innovative studies to identify and understand the immune responses that mediate protection from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection or progression to active tuberculosis (TB) disease. Such responses may be operative in mycobacterial infection, or following vaccination with Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) or investigational TB vaccines. Studies may focus on any stage of mycobacterial infection and may include HIV-infected and/or uninfected individuals. Research supported under this FOA should go beyond descriptive information currently known about Mtb infection, immune responses to TB vaccines, or immune modulation by non-tuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) infection, or by HIV/AIDS. Applications are sought that include characterization of the timing, anatomical location, and contribution to disease outcome, of mucosal and/or systemic immune responses to mycobacterial infection and/or vaccination. This research is expected to advance understanding of immune mechanisms in Mtb infection/vaccination and contribute to the advancement of new TB vaccines, including in populations also infected with HIV.
Due January 14, 2020; January 14, 2021; and January 14, 2022. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for 2020 deadline: January 2, 2020.

Lipid Signaling in Healthspan and Longevity Regulation (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)<https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-AG-20-039.html>
To date, limited evidence suggests that regulation of lipid metabolism can modulate lifespan. This funding opportunity announcement aims to encourage innovative research programs designed to improve and expand our understanding of novel regulatory mechanisms governing lipid metabolism and signaling in the context of aging and age-associated conditions.
Due February 3, 2020. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: January 21, 2020.

Emotional Function in Normal Aging and/or MCI and AD/ADRD (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed / R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
These Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) invite applications that expand on foundational research demonstrating generally improved emotional function and emotion regulation with aging, to further clarify the trajectories of change in emotion processing and linked neurobiological factors in adults who are aging normally, as well as in individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Alzheimer's disease (AD), and Alzheimer's disease-related dementias (ADRD). The goal is three-fold: to advance understanding of (1) normative maturational shifts in emotional processes, (2) how dysfunction in the integrative neural-behavioral mechanisms of emotional function might manifest in MCI and the early stages of AD/ADRD, and/or (3) how such dysfunction might account for any of the neuropsychiatric symptoms observed in AD/ADRD. Such studies may identify novel targets for interventions or prevention efforts, or provide clues to intervention strategies that might be applied to normalize emotion dysregulation or strengthen emotional resilience at different life stages in normal aging or disease stages in MCI and AD/ADRD. The R21 supports exploratory and developmental research projects by providing support for the early and conceptual stages of these projects. The R01 invites Stage 0 (basic research) or Stage I (intervention development/modification) clinical trials, in line with the NIH Stage Model<https://www.nia.nih.gov/research/dbsr/stage-model-behavioral-intervention-development>.
R21 due February 20, 2020 and July 22, 2020. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for 2020 deadline: February 10, 2020.
R01 due February 7, 2020 and July 8, 2020. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for 2020 deadline: January 27, 2020.

To search for additional funding opportunities, please visit CoM's unofficial funding opportunities blog<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__fsucomgrants.wordpress.com_&d=DwMGaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=EXkFPz4CfHp2YvDR6s1e2OHGNt7ixTIGEDylKw2SIo1FQ8O9soOgOzmn5ZTHU62o&m=-WQkPIXZLCgXlX-d14DY8B-SG-GvP9FZHr_Gv8sUuTQ&s=ErAzzubGxiJsWCKGnlFjfXV6980C-DCl-AxzFLHMVYQ&e=>.

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