This week's funding opportunities

Med Research Research at
Tue Apr 23 14:51:37 EDT 2019

Updated Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs<> including the Spinal Cord Injury Research Program<>, the Parkinson’s Research Program<>, and the Prostate Cancer Research Program<>.

Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act (LEMHWA) Program<>
LEMHWA funds are used to improve the delivery of and access to mental health and wellness services for law enforcement through training and technical assistance, demonstration projects, and implementation of promising practices related to peer mentoring mental health and wellness programs that are national in scope and responsive to the solicitation topic requirements. The 2019 LEMHWA program will fund projects that develop knowledge, increase awareness of effective mental health and wellness strategies, increase the skills and abilities of law enforcement, and increase the number of law enforcement agencies and relevant stakeholders using peer mentoring programs. LEMHWA program will fund projects related to the following topic areas:

  *   LEMHWA Peer Mentoring Training and Support
  *   LEMHWA Recommendation Implementation
  *   LEMHWA Peer Support Implementation Projects
Proposals should be responsive to the topic selected, improve the delivery of and access to mental health and wellness services for law enforcement, and significantly advance peer mentoring mental health and wellness programs within law enforcement agencies across the country.
Due May 28, 2019. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: May 13.

Children's Cancer Research Fund: Emerging Scientist Award<>
The Children’s Cancer Research Fund Emerging Scientist Award is designed to develop the independent research of highly qualified individuals still early in their careers. Research projects must have direct applicability and relevance to pediatric cancer. They may be in any discipline of basic, clinical, translational, or epidemiological research. An Emerging Scientist Award is $100,000 for a one-year period.
Due May 30, 2019. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: May 15.

American Cancer Society and Pfizer: Integrated Approach to Breast Health Equity<>
The intent of this community grants project is to focus on reducing the widening gap in breast cancer mortality trends between black and white patients.
Target audience:

  *   Members of the health care team and administrators involved in the diagnosis and care of breast cancer patient
  *   Patients
  *   Community health workers
  *   All groups dedicated to reducing breast cancer disparities
Community Engaged Projects: Focusing on innovative, community-wide, clinical practice or health systems engaged projects. May request up to $350,000.
Formative Projects: Focusing on assessment only. May request up to $50,000.
Letter of intent due June 17. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: June 3.

Epilepsy Foundation: My Brain Map Initiative<>
This initiative seeks to better define personalized modeling of seizure propagation to transform care in epilepsy, with the end goal of creating a Google Map for the brain that highlights one’s unique brain traffic pattern over time. Through the program, grants of up to $200,000 will be awarded to pilot studies that propose new analytical approaches and/or tools to modeling seizure propagation in a brain network. The foundation invites proposals that seek to test novel, unconventional hypotheses or that pursue major methodological or technical challenges in network modeling for epilepsy. The institute is especially interested in funding innovative multi-scale approaches to brain mapping and therefore encourages proposals that can begin to correlate standard measures of macro-network activity (i.e., EEG and/or fMRI) with micro-physiological mechanisms (such as oxygen, microdialysis of extracellular fluids, local field potentials, etc). Through this initiative, the foundation seeks to support interdisciplinary approaches involving clinicians, neuroscientists, computer scientists, and mathematicians able to facilitate different perspectives and supports the development of preliminary data visualization tools for clinicians that enable them to better understand different types of seizure propagation networks that allow them to better tailor care to the individual in the future.
Letter of intent due June 21, 2019. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: June 7.

National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM) Foundation Investigator-Initiated Health Services Research Grants<>
NIHCM Foundation supports innovative investigator-initiated research with high potential to inform improvements to the U.S. health care system. Projects must advance the existing knowledge base in the areas of health care financing, delivery, management and/or policy.
Letter of inquiry due July 9, 2019. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents: June 21.

Exploratory Research for Technology Development (R21 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)<>
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will support exploratory research leading to the development of innovative technologies for biomedical research. The program will recognize and reward high-risk approaches with potential for significant impact. Projects should entail a high degree of risk or novelty, which will be offset by a correspondingly high potential impact. However, the possible impact is likely to be far off. Application of the proposed technology to specific biomedical questions is considered beyond the scope of the program, should not be included, and would not be funded. The goal of this FOA is to support proof of concept studies for feasibility and exploratory technology development. Feasibility must not have already been developed in the literature or with preliminary data. Published data can be used to establish the current state of the art but cannot forecast or predict project outcomes. Preliminary data for any purpose might appear to forecast the likelihood of success. Therefore, no unpublished data is allowed. While unpublished data are not permitted, references and data from widely-available preprints that have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) are acceptable.
Standard dates apply. Expires May 8, 2022. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for June deadline: June 3.

Focused Technology Research and Development (R01 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)<>
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will support projects that focus solely on development of technologies with the potential to enable acquisition of basic biomedical knowledge. Projects should be justified in terms of technical innovation, and utility for future biomedical impact. The products of this research will be functioning prototype instruments, methods, synthetic approaches, biological products, etc., characterized adequately to be ready for first application to the type of biomedical research questions that provide the rationale for their development, but application of the proposed technology to specific biomedical questions is considered beyond the scope of the program, should not be included, and would not be funded. Proof of concept for the technology must have already been demonstrated, but there should still be significant technical challenges. Applications should include preliminary data. Projects that have significant remaining risk but are supported by early feasibility studies might be appropriate for a three-year R01 application with reduced budget to better manage risk and investment. Projects that are well supported by feasibility studies and propose to develop fully functional prototypes might require higher budgets and a four-year duration (five years for Early Stage Investigators). Projects that primarily focus on optimization, hardening, or obvious extrapolations of established technology might be less competitive.
Standard dates apply. Expires May 8, 2022. Med-RA deadline to receive draft documents for June deadline: May 21.

To search for additional funding opportunities, please visit CoM’s unofficial funding opportunities blog<>.

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