[Coe-grad] It's Official: The College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences

College of Education Graduate Student Mailing List coe-grad at lists.fsu.edu
Thu Sep 21 09:02:03 EDT 2023

Goodbye, Asterisk!



Introducing the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences

On September 20, the FSU Faculty Senate voted to approve the name of the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences (CEHHS). This is a huge milestone in the expansion process, and we know that you probably have a lot of questions as to what's going to change. You may have seen the College previously use the new name with an asterisk to denote its interim status. We're happy to announce the asterisk can now be retired.

As you can imagine, a College's name changing is a massive undertaking. The College work groups and leadership have been working through the processes of preparing for this change, but we anticipate this transition to take some time. We appreciate your patience as changes are made.

Perhaps the fastest change will be to many of our online outlets. The Office of Communications & Recruitment has put together a convenient timeline which can be found on our Expansion FAQ<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001YbEEbx18z5H0eIA2tCWdYsuJdbth9unn_qbvZMqMzhEsH6FlW_kr9fYpSGodmkymYV7ph4xhm9MzkcWfi4HEXYMGEmLNdN0pcfHm4-QQOzFq3obymLbS3ABTxe4A6hHJcncvQLoD1v6M5vxUFiyw61s82UoIeqyw&c=umcjBLpkL2LElcHpebmuOphQUeYERiuIefw52OIIdIHSHIPA_-UHug==&ch=qynEbhk05HVtPU9UuUcbTVADYBw6m1GJly_Qv5dxoBWa4t56r56bZw==__;!!PhOWcWs!0HMMMZ4WjUPAaEuMtaFrRl26oxoeCLOy9F8hZEOR79Yg211FCzGQVp8-eFt-SXUxRkOq6atJEZOJKcOk0gDqvbN_AL78Cj7AZM4X$>. We also know that there will be a large number of requests coming in from our programs, departments, research groups, and more. We appreciate your patience as we work through these requests, and please know that the team is working hard to address this change.

Furthermore, we are happy to announce that the Department of Nutrition and Integrative Physiology has also had their name change approved. The department is now named the Department of Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences (HNFS).

Finally, the Office of Communications & Recruitment has also been hard at work on the latest issue of The Torch, which will be a very special issue showing ways our departments have already come together. This issue will be released on October 7, 2023.

We are grateful to our students and alumni for their excitement and eagerness as we undergo this expansion. This new name will help focus that excitement, as the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences becomes a model institution for collaboration, research, and learning on Florida State University's campus.


Florida State University College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences | 1114 W. Call St, PO Box 3064450, Tallahassee, FL 32306-2725

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