[Coe-grad] College Expansion Opportunity

College of Education Graduate Student Mailing List coe-grad at lists.fsu.edu
Wed May 3 15:19:34 EDT 2023

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 This message to all students of the College of Education and the College of Health and Human Sciences is approved by Jim Clark, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.




Early this semester, I approached the faculty and staff in the College of Education and the College of Health and Human Sciences about the possibility of joining forces and creating a combined College with a common focus on enhancing quality of life for all ages across the lifespan.  There are several advantages of a combined College for students:
	1. Infrastructure enhancements: A combined College would reap the benefits of enhanced infrastructure in areas such as Academic Advising, Research Support, Information Technology Support, Fundraising Support, and Communications Support.
	2. Significant collaboration opportunities: Faculty in both colleges have published work in common areas, and enhanced collaboration will create more opportunities for research and specialized courses for students:
Physical Activity, Health, and Well-being
Mindfulness and Mental Health
Aging and Longevity
Adolescent Health and Education Disparities
Family, Environments, and Student Success
Technology, Health, and Education
Education-Based Human Development
Sport and Exercise Performance
Health Policy and Disease Prevention
	Better support for fundraising and more scholarship opportunities: A combined College would have the 2nd largest living alumni base at FSU among our 18 colleges, and many alumni have been inspired to donate back to FSU. It is anticipated that students in a combined College would have access to over $1 million of scholarship funding in the first year of operation alone.
	Better alignment with the FSU Health initiative: Each college currently has 6 academic programs affiliated with the new FSU Health initiative, and a combined College would feature 12 such programs, which could generate more opportunities for students via collaboration.
	Better foundation for future ranking success: Collaboration possibilities will position a combined College for greater success in academic program rankings, thereby increasing the value of every past, current, and future degree granted from the combined College. For example, the College of Education was recently ranked #13 among all public education colleges in the US, and a combined College would be poised to climb even higher in the rankings.
Following a number of meetings with various constituents both internal and external to these colleges, I am pleased to report that I recommended to FSU President Richard McCullough that we combine colleges with a goal to launch an expanded College by the fall semester, and he has fully supported that recommendation. Dr. Damon Andrew, dean of the College of Education and interim dean of the College of Health and Human Sciences, has significant experience working with the disciplines in both colleges and will serve as the inaugural dean of the combined college. Dean Andrew will work to establish a task force and other work groups to finalize a new name and bylaws for the expanded college to ensure a seamless transition for academic support services (e.g., academic advisor support, consistency of degree/program requirements, financial aid/scholarship support, etc.). I am convinced that expansion is in the best short- and long-term interests of both colleges, the FSU Health initiative, and FSU’s overall strategic direction for the future. I am confident that the expanded college will enhance the student success experience. If you have questions, you may direct them to Dean Andrew at 
mailto:dandrew at fsu.edu?subject= 
dandrew at fsu.edu . 



James J. Clark, PhD

Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs


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