[Coe-grad] Reminder: COE Student Leadership Council Survey

College of Education Graduate Student Mailing List coe-grad at lists.fsu.edu
Fri Mar 31 12:16:39 EDT 2023

Dear College of Education Students,

I hope this message finds you well after an enjoyable and restful Spring Break!

Before this academic year ends, the COE Student Leadership Council members are inviting you to complete a brief survey about the quality of supports in the College. This survey differs from our annual Program Satisfaction Survey that undergraduate & BS/MS students received in January and graduate students will receive in April. The survey should not take more than 5 minutes of your time and will allow the SLC to make valuable recommendations to the Dean about the quality of student supports.

They survey is anonymous, and participation is voluntary. The survey can be found at: https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5zGf8ff4JlmmV8y The survey will close on April 10th!

Feel free to reach out to any of the SLC members with questions or feedback that was not captured by the survey items.

Student Leadership Council 2022-2023

Educational Leadership & Policy Studies (ELPS)
Alexander (Alex) Moran
Doctorate, Educational Policy & Evaluation
Amber Noor Mustafa
Doctorate, International and Multicultural Education
Ravi Bhatt
Doctorate, Higher Education
Educational Psychology and Learning Systems (EPLS)
William (Billy) Bean
Doctorate, Sport Psychology
Kristin Gaffglione
Master’s, Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Jaesung Hur
Doctorate, Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies (ISLT)
School of Teacher Education (STE)
Elaine Mara
BS/MS, Visual Disabilities
Samantha Nelson
BS/MS, Elementary Education
Jennifer (Jenn) Pickett
BS/MS, Elementary Education
Sport Management (SM)
Vacant Spring 2023
Cruz Moran
Bachelor’s, Sport Management
Sachin Narayanan
Doctorate, Sport Management

My Best,
-Dr. Amy Guerette

Amy R. Guerette, Ed.D.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
College of Education
Florida State University

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