[Coe-grad] Upcoming Summer 2023 Graduate Student Dates and Deadlines - IMPORTANT Reminder

College of Education Graduate Student Mailing List coe-grad at lists.fsu.edu
Wed Jun 28 13:48:25 EDT 2023

Hello, COE Graduate Students!

This email serves as a friendly reminder about upcoming important summer 2023 dates and deadline.

Summer 2023

Dates and times listed below are subject to change. Please refer to the Registrar’s website, https://registrar.fsu.edu/registration_guide/summer/academic_calendar/ for the detailed calendar and most up-to-date information. Please bookmark this site.

Summer 2023 Registration
Enrollment windows for currently enrolled and admitted degree-seeking students are located at https://registrar.fsu.edu/registration_guide/summer/enrollment_appointments/.

Most forms referenced below may be found online at: https://education.fsu.edu/oasis/graduate-students. Please bookmark this site.

May 15, 2023
Last day to file for change in residency status.

May 13–May 18, 2023 – Summer A & C add/drop registration window.
June 24–June 29, 2023 – Summer B add/drop registration window.
Students are tuition/fee liable for any coursework remaining on their schedule after the drop/add deadline.

First Day of Classes
May 15, 2023 – Classes begin for sessions A & C
June 26, 2023 – Classes begin for session B

Late Registration ($100.00 late registration fee.)
May 15–May 18, 2023 – Summer A & C late registration
June 26–June 29, 2023 – Summer B late registration
Late registration fees will not be waived

Fourth Day of Classes
May 18, 2023 – Sessions A & C
June 29, 2023 – Session B

  *   Last day to Drop/Add and have fees adjusted (Students are liable for all tuition/fees for courses still on their schedules after 11:59p.m., Eastern U.S. time.)
  *   Last day to add a course without Academic Dean’s permission
  *   Last day to cancel enrollment and have fees removed

Summer 2023 Graduation Application Period
May 22 – June 2, 2023 – Apply online at https://my.fsu.edu. Please visit http://registrar.fsu.edu/services/graduation/ for more details.

  *   For detailed instructions on applying for graduation online, follow the How to Apply to Graduate steps<https://registrar.fsu.edu/training/graduation/>.
  *   June 2, 2023 is the last day to apply to graduate in Summer 2023.
  *   Important: You are required to apply to graduate even if you do not intend to attend the Commencement Ceremony.

June 19, 2023 - Last day for doctoral students to submit doctoral dissertation to The Graduate School for pre-defense format review. ALL initial manuscripts MUST be submitted by this date in order to be eligible to graduate this semester. **

End of prorated 7th week of the semester:
Summer A – June 2
Summer B – July 14
Summer C – June 30

  *   Last day to submit form requesting S/U grading or to change S/U option back to a regular grade.
  *   Last day to reduce course load without the permission of Academic Dean. Dean’s permission required to drop below twelve semester hours.
  *   Last day to drop a course without receiving a grade.
  *   Last day to withdraw without receiving a grade.
  *   Last day for doctoral students to take and pass their preliminary examination in order to add or convert dissertation hours for the current semester.
  *   Last day to petition to reinstate class schedule cancelled for nonpayment of tuition.

July 3, 2023 - Last day for master’s thesis students to submit their thesis to The Graduate School for pre-defense format review. ALL initial manuscripts MUST be submitted by this date in order to be eligible to graduate this semester. **

July 17, 2023 – Final manuscript submission deadline. Last day for submission of the post-defense, content-corrected thesis or dissertation and required forms to The Graduate (by 5:00p.m. Eastern U.S.).  All signatures/approvals must be obtained before the forms are submitted to the Manuscript Clearance Advisor. **

July 27, 2023 - Last day for Doctoral Prospectus approval during the Summer semester in order to graduate in Fall 2023. The Doctoral Prospectus must be approved by the academic dean at least four (4) months prior to Dissertation Defense. Note: This date is four (4) months from The Graduate School’s Fall 2023 final manuscript clearance deadline of November 27, 2023.

Last Day of Classes
Summer A – June 23
Summer B – August 4
Summer C – August 4

  *   Deadline for submission of Summer 2023 Graduate Certificate Admission applications<https://education.fsu.edu/degrees-and-programs/certificate-programs>. (Departments must first review submissions. Please allow extra time for this approval.)
  *   Beginning date for submission Summer 2023 Graduate Certificate Completion applications<https://education.fsu.edu/degrees-and-programs/certificate-programs> to OASIS.

Semester Ends - August 4

  *   Deadline for submission of all Summer 2023 Comprehensive Exam/Portfolio results (Masters/Specialist students), Diagnostic/Qualifying Exam Results and Doctoral Preliminary Exam results to OASIS.

  *   Deadline for Summer 2023 admitted Educator Preparation graduate program students to submit the appropriate online Educator Preparation Application<https://education.fsu.edu/student-resources/student-academic-services-oasis/for-graduate-students>.
  *   Last day for thesis and dissertation and students graduating this semester to receive an email from Manuscript Clearance confirming final manuscript clearance.

August 4, 2023 – Summer 2023 Commencement Ceremonies for the College of Education (tentative). Visit https://registrar.fsu.edu/graduation/seating/ for updated information.

**All Electronic Thesis, Treatise and Dissertation content and manuscript clearance information is found on The Graduate School's website, http://gradschool.fsu.edu/academics-research/thesis-treatise-dissertation.

The Registrar’s Office University Academic Calendars are found at https://registrar.fsu.edu/calendar/. Please bookmark this site.

Registration (Enrollment Appointment) dates are also found at https://registrar.fsu.edu/calendar/. Late registration fees will not be waived. Students are tuition/fee liable for all coursework remaining on their schedule after the drop/add registration deadlines.

 If you need assistance with registration or if you have questions about coursework offered in the College of Education, please contact the appropriate department/program person listed below:

  *   Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (online MS, EDS and EDD programs in Educational Leadership/Admin.) – Nicole “Nikki” Wright Jabson  (njabson at fsu.edu<mailto:njabson at fsu.edu>)
  *   Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (all other programs) – Nicole “Nikki” Wright Jabson  (njabson at fsu.edu<mailto:njabson at fsu.edu>)
  *   Educational Psychology and Learning Systems (Registration) – Jose Cruz Torres (jcruztorres at fsu.edu<mailto:jcruztorres at fsu.edu>)
  *   Educational Psychology and Learning Systems (Sport Psychology) – Jose Cruz Torres (jcruztorres at fsu.edu<mailto:jcruztorres at fsu.edu>)
  *   Educational Psychology and Learning Systems (Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies; Learning and Cognition; Measurement and Statistics) – Jennifer Walsh (jnwalsh at fsu.edu<mailto:jnwalsh at fsu.edu>)
  *   Educational Psychology and Learning Systems (Counseling Psychology and School Psychology PHD; School Psychology MS/EDS; Counseling Psychology MS/EDS; Mental Health Counseling MS/EDS, School Counseling MS/EDS) – Alyssa Weiskopf (aweiskopf at fsu.edu<mailto:aweiskopf at fsu.edu>)
  *   Sport Management (all programs) – Joshua Boze (jboze at fsu.edu<mailto:jboze at fsu.edu>)
  *   School of Teacher Education (Curriculum and Instruction - PhD and on-campus MS and EDS programs) – Veronica Houck (vhouck at fsu.edu<mailto:vhouck at fsu.edu>)
  *   School of Teacher Education (Curriculum and Instruction - combined BS/MS pathway students – Kimberly Howell (khowell at fsu.edu<mailto:khowell at fsu.edu>)
  *   School of Teacher Education (Curriculum and Instruction - online MS students – Heather Murphy (hmurphy3 at fsu.edu<mailto:hmurphy3 at fsu.edu>)
  *   Athletic Coaching – Dr. Tim Baghurst (tbaghurst at fsu.edu<mailto:tbaghurst at fsu.edu>)

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the applicable academic program staff listed above or me. Please do not reply directly to this listserv email.

Thank you,


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you,


Lisa M. Beverly
Co-Director, Graduate Studies
Office of Academic Services and Intern Support (OASIS<https://education.fsu.edu/OASIS>)
Florida State University College of Education
850.644.7914 (phone)
Email: lbeverly at fsu.edu<mailto:lbeverly at fsu.edu>
Personal Gender Pronouns: she, her, hers<https://www.mypronouns.org/what-and-why>

Attention students: The official method of communication at Florida State University is your FSU e-mail account. In order to stay informed and aware, you are required to set up and maintain your student account and check it three times per week. If you choose to have your official FSU student email account<https://fsu.force.com/s/article/What-if-I-forgot-my-FSUID-username-or-password-or-my-FSU-email-address-1600352306612> forwarded to another e-mail account, you are still held responsible for all information distributed by the University to your FSU account.

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If you are receiving this email, you have been identified by the university as officially pursuing a graduate major within the College of Education (COE) at Florida State University. The COE graduate listserv is a resource used strictly by COE administrators to ensure our students are well-informed of important updates, deadlines and opportunities that will benefit both their academic and/or professional endeavors. You will never receive any spam or other unnecessary email through this listserv and you will be removed as a recipient following completion of your degree or change of major (typically at the end of your final semester in the college). If you are not a currently enrolled graduate student in the FSU COE, please contact Ms. Rhonda Hester at rhester at fsu.edu<mailto:rhester at fsu.edu>. If you have concerns regarding this listserv, please contact the COE Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Amy R. Guerette at aguerette at fsu.edu<mailto:aguerette at fsu.edu>.
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