[Coe-grad] This Week in CEHHS: August 28 - September 3, 2023

College of Education Graduate Student Mailing List coe-grad at lists.fsu.edu
Mon Aug 28 08:44:21 EDT 2023

Important dates and information for students


Important Dates and Information for Students

August 28 - September 3, 2023

Welcome to the start of a new semester! Over the summer, work continued on the College expansion. The faculty voted on a new College name—the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences (CEHHS)—which is pending final approval and will be sent to the Faculty Senate later this semester.

CEHHS has six academic units and a program in Athletic Coaching, and if you're receiving this email, you are a student in one of the following:
·     Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies
·     Department of Educational Psychology & Learning Systems
·     Department of Human Development & Family Science
·     Department of Nutrition & Integrative Physiology
·     School of Teacher Education
·     Department of Sport Management

The purpose of this email is to provide you a quick weekly update on important dates, events taking place at the College and university, information about the College, and other important information. We hope you find this email helpful.

There will be many more developments taking place over the following semesters as the College expansion continues. Many of these developments will not impact the student experience; however, we will be sure to communicate any that will.

We wish you the very best this semester, and Go Noles!


Important Dates and Deadlines


Monday, August 28:
·     Classes Begin.
·     Last day to file for a change in residency status.
·     Late Registration Begins.

Wednesday, August 30:
·     New Student Convocation, FSU main campus.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001DH8mF9jjwF16TUZZuw-3d5JiEvZDXciaRUxcEl59utc1u34q9lLUjuyEWDnSZdkrIvTUE6xE-cqXugmusFKiaFwKluKu04uHVrVeZNxCpbvhVHLmIdLqFkgKMBufSx66WP9j11Vj8Nd9s-K5vsq9bSDvF8JzIsGFHzhze25wrP9jREGRKVXqd_RSefybLIbl&c=fMNNaEwEDvJohTouVTmFjZGPDT-q71img2I3JtbzBLlroYwIM8sC0g==&ch=tXSHEWaFp3WEZatiAQk7dzZnW-S64xhEwbErvER3krnwAXhDMQuUkg==__;!!PhOWcWs!0AlDaz7XNkgVlqu8QhBq9IzujTLFdJ10ubwb0egkwj2TOWXJLIJGQ_bYIaagDz70gK7OQiqeKV3z7FOXKhgZKr3lRmU0j1XSUt4f$>

Thursday, August 31:
·     Last day to drop/add and have fees adjusted.
·     Last day to cancel enrollment and have fees removed.
·     Last day to add a class without academic dean’s permission.

Friday, September 1:
·     Last day to request VA deferment.
·     Last day to submit department waivers or billings.

Monday, September 4 is Labor Day and the university will be closed.


EDG 5465: Grounded Theory Analysis


Are you interested in understanding qualitative analysis? Join the Grounded Theory class! Students have found this course to be very helpful for 1) learning how to design studies that focus on interviews, and 2) analyzing interview data.

Through this course, you will:
·     Distinguish Grounded Theory from other qualitative methodologies
·     Design and conduct a study using a Grounded Theory approach
·     Understand and apply key principles of Grounded Theory data collection and data analysis
·     Produce a model that integrates findings and tells the "story" of all participants

Course Details

Title: EDG 5465

3 Credits

Semester: Fall 2023

Schedule: Thursdays 3:05-5:35 PM

Location: STB G1203

Instructor: Dr. Jeannine Turner<mailto:jeturner at fsu.edu>


Upcoming Events


SMSA First Meeting of the Semester

Tuesday, August 29, 6:00pm

University Center D

The Sport Management Student Association will be hosting its first meeting of the semester. Join them in University Center D to learn more about want will be going on in SMSA thrououghout this year!

Learn More<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001DH8mF9jjwF16TUZZuw-3d5JiEvZDXciaRUxcEl59utc1u34q9lLUjuyEWDnSZdkru00nTg3E09jmyiDEF76w5clwc-jjcvIn4KPoKFHH1F-lGSDfrR_gzTHG3pJyQbaS--6YidjilbbyF_Hni1zISOOuiPZ7s4R26nvE4oJenus=&c=fMNNaEwEDvJohTouVTmFjZGPDT-q71img2I3JtbzBLlroYwIM8sC0g==&ch=tXSHEWaFp3WEZatiAQk7dzZnW-S64xhEwbErvER3krnwAXhDMQuUkg==__;!!PhOWcWs!0AlDaz7XNkgVlqu8QhBq9IzujTLFdJ10ubwb0egkwj2TOWXJLIJGQ_bYIaagDz70gK7OQiqeKV3z7FOXKhgZKr3lRmU0j4TRLtPS$>

CEHHS Clubs at the Involvement Fair

Tuesday, August 29, 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Student Union

Meet with student organization leaders and members at a tabling fair at the Union! Find new ways to get involved with student organizations at FSU and in the college, like the Student Florida Education Association!

Learn More<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001DH8mF9jjwF16TUZZuw-3d5JiEvZDXciaRUxcEl59utc1u34q9lLUjuyEWDnSZdkrB657kpD74fPPLgIymtMphcLYsJwpuHJP6_PDXpB6wu8zVpaUfKdRB-y_fxj8EcnM13aODrLUN6AFKvgJFdwcBQazdK5X3JcIncl6ud4cjgAoV5DSHSbBZg==&c=fMNNaEwEDvJohTouVTmFjZGPDT-q71img2I3JtbzBLlroYwIM8sC0g==&ch=tXSHEWaFp3WEZatiAQk7dzZnW-S64xhEwbErvER3krnwAXhDMQuUkg==__;!!PhOWcWs!0AlDaz7XNkgVlqu8QhBq9IzujTLFdJ10ubwb0egkwj2TOWXJLIJGQ_bYIaagDz70gK7OQiqeKV3z7FOXKhgZKr3lRmU0j0Xx80XQ$>

Find more events from all around campus at calendar.fsu.edu<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001DH8mF9jjwF16TUZZuw-3d5JiEvZDXciaRUxcEl59utc1u34q9lLUjuTM6irZy69hKppxaIkOR9mHwDKxQS8Ox4ZTk1iJ74L-b638uIqeKaLwgQDL26frmpLSwThMcHjav9OnzcZN-GSaS4W_XgZdmA==&c=fMNNaEwEDvJohTouVTmFjZGPDT-q71img2I3JtbzBLlroYwIM8sC0g==&ch=tXSHEWaFp3WEZatiAQk7dzZnW-S64xhEwbErvER3krnwAXhDMQuUkg==__;!!PhOWcWs!0AlDaz7XNkgVlqu8QhBq9IzujTLFdJ10ubwb0egkwj2TOWXJLIJGQ_bYIaagDz70gK7OQiqeKV3z7FOXKhgZKr3lRmU0j4aeMnDI$>.


Social Media Snapshot




Did You Know?



Master’s student shines in seafood research: Connects academia to industry

Samuel Kwawukume, a master’s student in the nutrition and food science program, received scholarships from the Southern Shrimp Alliance and Florida Sea Grant this summer to support his research and work on seafood species identification in the lab of Associate Professor Prashant Singh.

Learn More<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001DH8mF9jjwF16TUZZuw-3d5JiEvZDXciaRUxcEl59utc1u34q9lLUjuyEWDnSZdkrmY-h-xabuheiA9Awdas95FqhpdwSM2hfJ3QsUVYPyUEdVgOLXfyuZTRiGd_EXSuEStfXJmgg7R2EbAEkEOhKmLW6SwvUeKXGQRWHp3_oGBQSRYGdK7uyB2-ckZL42mScR3rD8UoVVZvX1S08WyyDXRFL2pSseJdrPAgw4Nkfi5wOWMkj6283qg==&c=fMNNaEwEDvJohTouVTmFjZGPDT-q71img2I3JtbzBLlroYwIM8sC0g==&ch=tXSHEWaFp3WEZatiAQk7dzZnW-S64xhEwbErvER3krnwAXhDMQuUkg==__;!!PhOWcWs!0AlDaz7XNkgVlqu8QhBq9IzujTLFdJ10ubwb0egkwj2TOWXJLIJGQ_bYIaagDz70gK7OQiqeKV3z7FOXKhgZKr3lRmU0j_IgCep_$>


Have news to share?

We'd love to hear from you!
Submit News<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001DH8mF9jjwF16TUZZuw-3d5JiEvZDXciaRUxcEl59utc1u34q9lLUjq_WBY8yJbHrLn2D0M_JueLhk3HnfX7OOf0W7wy_Ol2M5GodbSLEl1NJYXrLQa7OypoGNJPHCBLy4KdCv0k78wtq7ULrG_Fh8kYU5T9n2ytg5toH5VaFvZo=&c=fMNNaEwEDvJohTouVTmFjZGPDT-q71img2I3JtbzBLlroYwIM8sC0g==&ch=tXSHEWaFp3WEZatiAQk7dzZnW-S64xhEwbErvER3krnwAXhDMQuUkg==__;!!PhOWcWs!0AlDaz7XNkgVlqu8QhBq9IzujTLFdJ10ubwb0egkwj2TOWXJLIJGQ_bYIaagDz70gK7OQiqeKV3z7FOXKhgZKr3lRmU0j1Nqk9Qy$>


FSU College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences* | 1114 W. Call St, PO Box 3064450, Tallahassee, FL 32306-2725 *name pending final approval

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