[Coe-grad] Application Window Opening Soon for the 2023 Marvalene Hughes Research in Education Conference!

College of Education Graduate Student Mailing List coe-grad at lists.fsu.edu
Fri Oct 28 10:24:49 EDT 2022



On behalf of the Marvalene Hughes Research in Education Conference Planning Committee, I am excited to announce that the application window for the 2023 Marvalene Hughes Research in Education Conference will be opening soon!

·     The Committee will begin accepting applications starting on December 1, 2022 and the application window will remain open until January 18, 2023.
·     By participating in this year’s conference, you will be eligible for up to $2000 in funding to present your research at a regional, national, or international conference.
·     This year’s event will again feature a Robert M. Gagné Research Prize for graduate students and faculty, and if you choose to compete for the award you could win $1000 in prize money.

For more information, visit education.fsu.edu/research/core<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001BcSiJmve7QBDdKF2DY8ED_BiCcHIC4WjJOEThS3HAFa1_CuwufUWmrG36biKWtKZEIAag0Js_moS-AQLSzWyaEdKfm9x_man3xoGTra5oqlp5m2q4t-DCzBOqOsW5kNxfqUrdgyUVWR2AebdwNRIFYRv0BakaKlgGoKUYR-0TcI=&c=EBVw3nWy9BvBtWrfJ5OhhSIpQA_DaOZM33h9rRLAXM_BerQmsXKgHw==&ch=fkHlh6KqppN7rVhDIJ3zNncdMmqvEzrcxE0XHF0-zx8VpPr-cpC5Xw==__;!!PhOWcWs!0jezfIFxX9aVQSrZ7lpgQtuhx78hWI_GLqo5d19I8zZ3kmOezw-XCl-q-FXEfA5rjtmvg-8617UdBkpo$>.

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Office of Research Director Gillian Gregory at ggregory at fsu.edu<mailto:ggregory at fsu.edu>.


Joshua I. Newman, Ph.D. FNAK

Associate Dean for Research, College of Education

Professor, Department of Sport Management

Florida State University College of Education | 1114 W. Call St, PO Box 3064450, Tallahassee, FL 32306-2725
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Sent by jinewman at fsu.edu<mailto:jinewman at fsu.edu>

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