[Coe-grad] Summer 2022 Manuscript Clearance Workshop Schedule from The Graduate School

College of Education Graduate Student Mailing List coe-grad at lists.fsu.edu
Tue May 24 11:33:59 EDT 2022

COE Doctoral Students and MS Thesis-track Students,

Please see the email below and attached PDF for information on the summer 2022 Manuscript Clearance Workshops offered by The Graduate School. If you have any questions, please contact Laura Minor directly at clearance at fsu.edu<mailto:clearance at fsu.edu>. Please do not respond to this listserv email.

If you are not a doctoral student or thesis-track master’s student, you may disregard this email.

Thank you,

Lisa M. Beverly
Co-Director, Graduate Studies
Office of Academic Services and Intern Support (OASIS)
Florida State University College of Education
(850) 644-7914 (phone)
Email: lbeverly at fsu.edu<mailto:lbeverly at fsu.edu>
Personal Gender Pronouns: she, her, hers

Attention students: The official method of communication at Florida State University is your FSU e-mail account. In order to stay informed and aware, you are required to set up and maintain your student account and check it three times per week. If you choose to have your official FSU student email account forwarded to another e-mail account, you are still held responsible for all information distributed by the University to your FSU account.

From: Laura Minor <laminor at fsu.edu>
Date: Tuesday, May 24, 2022 at 9:57 AM
Subject: Summer 2022 Manuscript Clearance Workshops

I have scheduled the manuscript clearance workshops for thesis, treatise, and dissertation students this semester. During this workshop, I will review the overall manuscript clearance process, as well as specific formatting guidelines and tips. I recommend that students attend at least one semester before they plan to defend, but they are welcome at any stage of the process. Though the workshop is geared towards students, interested faculty/staff are always welcome to attend.

Registration is required for these workshops. Registration links can be found on the flyer and at this address: https://gradschool.fsu.edu/academics-research/thesis-treatise-and-dissertation/manuscript-clearance-workshops. (The presentation slides are also posted on that page for anyone who cannot attend a workshop.)

Wednesday, June 1, 2022
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm EST
Friday, June 3, 2022
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm EST
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
9:30 am - 11:30 am EST
Thursday, June 9, 2022
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

Laura A. Minor  (she/her/hers)
Manuscript Clearance Advisor
The Graduate School  |  Florida State University
314 Westcott  |  850.644.0045
laminor at fsu.edu<mailto:laminor at fsu.edu>  |  clearance at fsu.edu<mailto:clearance at fsu.edu>

Find resources for manuscript clearance at FSU…

If you are receiving this email, you have been identified by the university as officially pursuing a graduate or undergraduate major within the College of Education at Florida State University. The COE graduate listserv is a resource used strictly by COE administrators to ensure our students are well-informed of important updates, deadlines and opportunities that will benefit both their academic and/or professional endeavors. You will never receive any spam or other unnecessary email through this listserv and you will be removed as a recipient following completion of your degree or change of major (typically at the end of your final semester in the college). If you are not a currently enrolled graduate student in the FSU COE, please contact Ms. Rhonda Hester at rhester at fsu.edu<mailto:rhester at fsu.edu>. If you have concerns regarding this listserv, please contact the COE Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Amy R. Guerette at aguerette at fsu.edu<mailto:aguerette at fsu.edu>.

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