[Coe-grad] Electronic Form Submission Processes - Important Guidance for Students

FSU College of Education coe-grad at lists.fsu.edu
Tue Sep 15 17:03:12 EDT 2020

Good Afternoon, COE Graduate Students.

At this time, many of the faculty and staff in the College of Education and other offices across campus are working remotely. Although the staff in Office of Academic Services and Intern Support (OASIS) are not physically in our campus offices, we continue to support College of Education students in the steps and milestones required to achieve degree completion.

As most of you already know, the steps to degree completion are paved with many student forms. To help students, faculty, and staff navigate the electronic form submission process, OASIS has updated our “forms” website to provide the workflow for obtaining signatures and the submission of forms commonly used in our College.

Authenticated electronic signatures are required on forms. Authenticated electronic signatures are obtained by using Adobe Sign<https://helpx.adobe.com/sign/using/create-adobe-sign-free-account.html> or DocuSign<http://docusign.fsu.edu/>. The PDF-specific forms listed on the OASIS websites are formatted for PDF-fill in and electronic signatures. Most University-level forms are also formatted for PDF fill-in and signature. Please see below for more information on electronic signatures and form submissions.

Student Forms
College of Education OASIS Student Forms
Under each form listed on the OASIS “For Graduate Students” webpage (link below), you will find the order in which applicable signatures are to be collected, as well as and the form submission workflow, for that form. If you need assistance with completing a form, please contact your department staff. A list of academic department contacts are provided in this email.

                For Graduate Students: https://education.fsu.edu/student-resources/student-academic-services-oasis/for-graduate-students

Please bookmark these site for future use. For forms not available on public websites, such as grade change forms and late drop/add forms, contact the appropriate academic department staff person for assistance. (See the “College of Education Department Contacts” section of this document.)

IMPORTANT: Each form must be submitted in a separate PDF file or DocuSign submission. Do not combine individual student forms into one file.

Registrar’s Office Student Forms
Many student forms are found on the Registrar’s Office website: https://registrar.fsu.edu/forms/.
Please be advised that some forms on this website are not yet available as PDF-fill in. For your convenience, OASIS has converted many of these forms to PDF fill-in and placed them on our graduate student website (noted above).

The Graduate School Forms
Graduate School forms and applications for students, staff and faculty are found at https://gradschool.fsu.edu/forms.

Electronic Form Submissions via DocuSign<https://docusign.fsu.edu/> and Adobe Authenticated Digital Signatures (Adobe Sign<https://helpx.adobe.com/sign/using/create-adobe-sign-free-account.html>)
DocuSign is a cloud-based electronic signature service that allows users to easily send, sign and store documents in a secure, online location. With DocuSign, the entire document approval process can be managed electronically.

To use DocuSign to obtain signatures on the College of Education forms listed on this page, follow the login instructions below.

1. Go to docusign.fsu.edu<https://docusign.fsu.edu/>.
2. Sign in with your FSUID and password.
3. Click “New” next to the “Sign or Get Signatures” option.
4. To obtain signatures on a document, choose “Send an Envelope” and upload the applicable form.
5. Add all required signers (and FSU email) on the applicable fields.

FSU DocuSign Support website: https://its.fsu.edu/service-catalog/communication-collaboration/electronic-signatures

  *   How do I get support at FSU for DocuSign?

  *   How do I share my envelope with other users in DocuSign? https://faq.its.fsu.edu/communications/electronic-signatures-docusign/how-do-i-share-my-envelope-other-users-docusign

Visit the DocuSign website to browse “how to” articles or register for a free "DocuSign Signing and Sending" training session: https://support.docusign.com/.

Adobe Authenticated Digital Signatures via Adobe Sign
FSU students can create a free Adobe Sign account with a valid FSU email address. Free accounts are primarily for signers of documents. Adobe Sign supports digital signatures by simply placing the Digital Signature field on a form (either via Text Tags, drag and drop in the Adobe Sign Authoring environment, or authoring in Adobe Acrobat with Acroforms). For more information on how to use digital signatures in Adobe Sign, visit https://helpx.adobe.com/sign/using/digital-signatures.html.

To create a free Adobe Sign account with your FSU student email account, visit https://helpx.adobe.com/sign/using/create-adobe-sign-free-account.html. Students are required to use their official FSU student email account for Adobe Sign digital signatures.

FSU employees can also use Adobe Creative Cloud at home. Please use your Adobe Enterprise ID to sign into Adobe.com<https://adobeid-na1.services.adobe.com/renga-idprovider/pages/login?idp_flow_type=login_t2&client_id=adobedotcom2&callback=https%3A%2F%2Fims-na1.adobelogin.com%2Fims%2Fadobeid%2Fadobedotcom2%2FAdobeID%2Ftoken%3Fredirect_uri%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.adobe.com%252Findex2.html%2523from_ims%253Dtrue%2526old_hash%253D%2526api%253Dauthorize%26scope%3Dcreative_cloud%252CAdobeID%252Copenid%252Cgnav%252Cread_organizations%252Cadditional_info.projectedProductContext%252Csao.ACOM_CLOUD_STORAGE%252Csao.stock%252Csao.cce_private%252Cadditional_info.roles&denied_callback=https%3A%2F%2Fims-na1.adobelogin.com%2Fims%2Fdenied%2Fadobedotcom2%3Fredirect_uri%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.adobe.com%252Findex2.html%2523from_ims%253Dtrue%2526old_hash%253D%2526api%253Dauthorize%26response_type%3Dtoken&locale=en_US&relay=d55ad7a9-75de-40c6-8d9d-4067c832d395&flow=true&flow_type=token&idp_flow_type=login&s_account=adbadobenonacdcprod%2Cadbims> to download and install the software. Your Adobe Enterprise ID will be created using your FSUID in the format fsuid at fsu.edu<https://faq.its.fsu.edu/software/software-licensing/adobe-creative-cloud/how-do-i-create-my-fsu-adobe-creative-cloud>. For assistance with Adobe or any other software, please contact the COE Office of Information and Instructional Technologies (OIIT) directly: https://education.fsu.edu/about/faculty-staff-resources/oiit.

Adobe Online Training Resources
There are many online training resources to help faculty, staff and students master Adobe signatures and Adobe Creative Cloud apps. Follow the links below to access everything from short informational videos to full online courses.

  *   Digital Signatures (LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/learning/acrobat-xi-creating-forms/digital-signatures?u=42572828
  *   Signatures via EchoSign: https://www.linkedin.com/learning/acrobat-xi-creating-forms/distribute-via-echosign
  *   FSU Adobe Creative Cloud Information: https://its.fsu.edu/service-catalog/end-point-computing/its-software-licensing/adobe-creative-cloud

  *   LinkedIn Learning<http://cas.fsu.edu/cas/idp/profile/SAML2/Unsolicited/SSO?providerId=https://www.linkedin.com/learning/ABEAAAAAAAKJnBwAAAAAAsRAvAHdS5UrTNWb40IptVeusnqXAJp-lA> - https://www.linkedin.com/learning/
  *   Adobe Learn<https://helpx.adobe.com/learn.html?promoid=KTTAU#/top_products> - https://helpx.adobe.com/support.html

Note to iPad Users:  Adobe PDF form fields may not be available if viewing documents using the “Preview” option. Please download the document to utilize the fill-in and electronic signature features.

College of Education Department Contacts
For Fall 2020 – Subject to Change

Department Chairs
Forms requiring department chair signature must be routed to the applicable College of Education department chair listed below:

  *   Educational Leadership and Policy Studies – Dr. Tamara Bertrand Jones<mailto:tbertrand at fsu.edu> (Associate Chair)
  *   Educational Psychology and Learning Systems – Dr. Alysia Roehrig<mailto:aroehrig at fsu.edu> (Associate Chair)
  *   Sport Management – Dr. Jeffrey James<mailto:%20jdjames at fsu.edu> (Department Chair)
  *   School of Teacher Education – Dr. Kathleen Clark<mailto:kclark at fsu.edu> (Associate Chair)

Department Staff
For assistance with form submissions, registration, or course offerings in the College of Education, please contact the appropriate department staff person listed below:

  *   Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (online MS, EDS and EDD programs in Educational Leadership/Admin.) – Deb Ham-Kelly (dhamkelly at fsu.edu)<mailto:dhamkelly at fsu.edu)>
  *   Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (all other programs) – Jimmy Pastrano (jpastrano at fsu.edu)<mailto:jpastrano at fsu.edu)>
  *   Educational Psychology and Learning Systems Registration (all programs) – Jennifer Walsh (jnwalsh at fsu.edu<mailto:jnwalsh at fsu.edu>)
  *   Educational Psychology and Learning Systems (Sport Psychology) – Jennifer Walsh (jnwalsh at fsu.edu<mailto:jnwalsh at fsu.edu>)
  *   Educational Psychology and Learning Systems (Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies; Learning and Cognition; Measurement and Statistics) – Mary Kate McKee (mmckee at campus.fsu.edu)<mailto:mmckee at campus.fsu.edu)>
  *   Educational Psychology and Learning Systems (Counseling Psychology and School Psychology PHD; School Psychology MS/EDS; Counseling Psychology MS/EDS; Mental Health Counseling MS/EDS, School Counseling MS/EDS) – Taneshia Toussaint (tytoussaint at fsu.edu<mailto:tytoussaint at fsu.edu>)
  *   Sport Management (all programs) – Jeff Hoh (jhoh at fsu.edu)<mailto:jhoh at fsu.edu)>
  *   School of Teacher Education (Curriculum and Instruction - PhD and on-campus MS and EDS programs) – Britni DeZerga (b.dezerga at fsu.edu)<mailto:b.dezerga at fsu.edu)>
  *   School of Teacher Education (Curriculum and Instruction - combined BS/MS pathway students and online MS students) – Jeannie McDowell (jmcdowell at fsu.edu)<mailto:jmcdowell at fsu.edu)>

Course Registration
Drop a Class from a Closed Enrollment Term (Current or Prior)
Occasionally, it's necessary for a student to drop a class after the current term's drop/add period ends. Students can initiate a late course drops for individual courses using the course drop tool in my.fsu.edu by following the step-by-step instructions at https://sc.my.fsu.edu/students/how/drop-class-closed-enrollment-term-current-or-prior.

Once the drop form has been generated, students should save a copy of the form for their records. The drop from must then be submitted via email to the student’s appropriate academic dean’s representative.

  *   College of Education Undergraduate Students – George Green (ggreen at fsu.edu<mailto:ggreen at fsu.edu>)
  *   College of Education Graduate Students – Lisa Beverly (lbeverly at fsu.edu<mailto:lbeverly at fsu.edu>)
  *   Non-Degree Seeking Students: University Registrar (registrar at fsu.edu<mailto:registrar at fsu.edu>)

ADD a Class after Drop/Add Ends
To add a class after the drop/add period for a current enrollment term ends, contact the academic department staff person listed above.

Course Swaps after Drop/Add Ends
To drop and add classes concurrently (swap courses) after the drop/add period for a current enrollment term ends, contact the academic department staff person listed above.

Withdrawals – “Dropping All Coursework”
In order to “drop" all coursework on the schedule, after the drop/add period for a given semester, the student is required to submit Withdrawal Application from the University for the term. For information on applying for a withdrawal, COE graduate students should contact me directly (lbeverly at fsu.edu<mailto:lbeverly at fsu.edu>) for questions about or to initiate a withdrawal.

Other Helpful Websites
Academic Calendars
Current and future University academic calendars and enrollment appointments (registration windows) can be viewed at https://registrar.fsu.edu/calendar/.

Student Central (my.fsu.edu)
“How To” for Students: https://sc.my.fsu.edu/students/how

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your department staff or me.

Thank you,


Lisa M. Beverly
Co-Director, Graduate Studies
Office of Academic Services and Intern Support (OASIS)
Florida State University College of Education
(850) 644-7914 (phone)
Email: lbeverly at fsu.edu
Personal Gender Pronouns: she, her, hers

Attention students: The official method of communication at Florida State University is your FSU e-mail account. In order to stay informed and aware, you are required to set up and maintain your student account and check it three times per week. If you choose to have your official FSU student email account forwarded to another e-mail account, you are still held responsible for all information distributed by the University to your FSU account.
[A picture containing room  Description automatically generated]

If you are receiving this email, you have been identified by the university as officially pursuing a graduate or undergraduate major within the College of Education at Florida State University. The COE graduate listserv is a resource used strictly by COE administrators to ensure our students are well-informed of important updates, deadlines and opportunities that will benefit both their academic and/or professional endeavors. You will never receive any spam or other unnecessary email through this listserv and you will be removed as a recipient following completion of your degree or change of major (typically at the end of your final semester in the college). If you are not a currently enrolled graduate student in the FSU COE, please contact Ms. Rhonda Hester at rhester at fsu.edu<mailto:rhester at fsu.edu>. If you have concerns regarding this listserv, please contact the COE Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Amy R. Guerette at aguerette at fsu.edu<mailto:aguerette at fsu.edu>.

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