[Coe-grad] Spring 2021 Interdisciplinary Course Flyers

FSU College of Education coe-grad at lists.fsu.edu
Wed Nov 4 14:47:40 EST 2020

Dear COE Graduate Students,

I hope this email finds you well! Attached please find three flyers of COE interdisciplinary courses being offered in Spring 2021. We hope these flyers are useful as you register for Spring classes!

My Best,
-Dr. Amy Guerette

Amy R. Guerette, Ed.D.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
College of Education
Florida State University

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Name: FAB course flyer - prof dev.pdf
Type: application/pdf
Size: 99244 bytes
Desc: FAB course flyer - prof dev.pdf
URL: <http://lists.fsu.edu/pipermail/coe-grad/attachments/20201104/dd87cbd1/attachment.pdf>
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Name: FAB course flyer - research.pdf
Type: application/pdf
Size: 249563 bytes
Desc: FAB course flyer - research.pdf
URL: <http://lists.fsu.edu/pipermail/coe-grad/attachments/20201104/dd87cbd1/attachment-0001.pdf>
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Name: FAB course flyer - policy.pdf
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Desc: FAB course flyer - policy.pdf
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