[Coe-grad] Spring 2019 Program Satisfaction Surveys

FSU College of Education coe-grad at lists.fsu.edu
Wed May 1 12:43:19 EDT 2019

Dear COE Students,

Due to the overall low response rate to the Program Satisfaction Surveys, the College is leaving the surveys open until Friday, May 10th. I know this is a very busy time of year, but please take a moment after your finals and final projects are due to provide us feedback on your academic program! An email with your program’s specific link will be resent later today by Rachel Thursby.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me!

Best of luck finishing up the Spring Semester!
-Dr. Amy Guerette

Amy R. Guerette, Ed.D.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
College of Education
Florida State University

From: Amy Guerette <aguerette at fsu.edu>
Date: Monday, April 15, 2019 at 11:31 AM
To: Rachel Thursby <rthursby at fsu.edu>
Subject: Spring 2019 Program Satisfaction Surveys

Dear COE Students,

Your opinion and satisfaction are important to the College! Later today you will be receiving an email from Rachel Thursby, a staff member here in the Dean’s Office, with a link to a College of Education Program Satisfaction Survey specific to your academic degree program.

Please take 10 minutes to complete this important, anonymous survey!

Good luck during the last few weeks of the semester!
-Dr. Guerette

Amy R. Guerette, Ed.D.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
College of Education
Florida State University

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