[Agedirectors] Looking for Focus Group Participants for study, Moving from Age-Friendly Principles to Practices in U.S. Higher Education: Strategies to Enhance Learning and Workplace Environments

Montepare, Joann jmontepare at lasell.edu
Tue May 3 09:38:30 EDT 2022

We are conducting a study, Moving from Age-Friendly Principles to Practices in U.S. Higher Education: Strategies to Enhance Learning and Workplace Environments, funded by the RRF Foundation for Aging. This study aims to identify strategies to expand age-friendly campus practices related to three institutional functions identified as high-impact, high-need areas: teaching and learning, personnel, and student affairs. The study will use a focus group methodology that draws on the perspectives of campus administrators, staff, faculty, and older students.

We are writing to invite you and your colleagues to participate in a focus group. Attached is more information about the study and  your participation. Participants will receive a $50 gift card for their time and effort.

We have filled many focus group slots but still need staff and administrators (with experience related to teaching and learning, personnel,  student affairs), and older students (in undergraduate or graduate degree programs), to complete a few focus groups.

If you have recommendations for individuals you think would be interested in participating, we'd love to hear from you. You are also welcome to volunteer! The next step is to complete this brief survey<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://umassboston.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_79BTCE7Sol3jB6C__;!!PhOWcWs!ytV6TbFhzucHTqQziyTI1_ky9Y0skJwAb5POgEzroi6sFxjgbOWX0NzFoKq7fzN4z-EdxyXqzJkWqpueJ71bPxBwgOsiYw$ > to indicate your recommendations or self-nomination: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://umassboston.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_79BTCE7Sol3jB6C__;!!PhOWcWs!ytV6TbFhzucHTqQziyTI1_ky9Y0skJwAb5POgEzroi6sFxjgbOWX0NzFoKq7fzN4z-EdxyXqzJkWqpueJ71bPxBwgOsiYw$ 

 We are happy to address any questions: UMass.AFUStudy at umb.edu<mailto:UMass.AFUStudy at umb.edu>

Thank you for your consideration!

Best regards,

(PI) Nina M. Silverstein, PhD
Professor of Gerontology
John W. McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies
University of Massachusetts Boston
nina.silverstein at umb.edu<mailto:nina.silverstein at umb.edu>

(Co-PI) Susan Krauss Whitbourne, PhD
Professor Emerita of Psychological and Brain Sciences
University of Massachusetts Amherst
swhitbo at psych.umass.edu<mailto:swhitbo at psych.umass.edu>

(Co-PI) Joann M. Montepare, PhD
Professor of Psychology
Director, RoseMary B. Fuss Center for Research on Aging and Intergenerational Studies
Lasell University
jmontepare at lasell.edu<mailto:jmontepare at lasell.edu>

(Co-PI) Lauren Marshall Bowen, PhD
Associate Professor of English, College of Liberal Arts
University of Massachusetts Boston
Lauren.Bowen at umb.edu<mailto:Lauren.Bowen at umb.edu>

(Research Assistant) Shu Xu, PhD Candidate
University of Massachusetts Boston
Shu.Xu at umb.edu<mailto:Shu.Xu at umb.edu>

Joann M. Montepare, Ph.D.
Director, RoseMary B. Fuss Center for Research
on Aging and Intergenerational Studies
Professor of Psychology
Lasell University
1844 Commonwealth Avenue
Newton, MA 02466
jmontepare at lasell.edu<mailto:jmontepare at lasell.edu>

On Being an Age-Friendly Institution of Higher Education<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.lasell.edu/academics/academic-centers/rosemary-b-fuss-center-for-research-on-aging-and-intergenerational-studies/talk-of-ages/age-friendly-university.html__;!!PhOWcWs!ytV6TbFhzucHTqQziyTI1_ky9Y0skJwAb5POgEzroi6sFxjgbOWX0NzFoKq7fzN4z-EdxyXqzJkWqpueJ71bPxBk3QLZDw$ >

Visit Talk of Ages<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.lasell.edu/talkofages__;!!PhOWcWs!ytV6TbFhzucHTqQziyTI1_ky9Y0skJwAb5POgEzroi6sFxjgbOWX0NzFoKq7fzN4z-EdxyXqzJkWqpueJ71bPxCbxRPO4w$ >
A Fuss Center age-friendly resource for integrating aging content and intergenerational activities into college classes

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