[Agedirectors] FW: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Health, Aging, and Robotics

Neil Charness charness at psy.fsu.edu
Thu Sep 2 08:42:45 EDT 2021

Hi Folks,  Open postdoc position…..

Neil – could you send to the Director’s list– thanks!

Khan Professor of Applied Health Sciences

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
College of Applied Health Sciences
Department of Kinesiology and Community Health
1206 South Fourth Street
Room 3011A Khan Annex | M/C 588
Champaign, IL 61820
217.300.1470 | wendyr at illinois.edu<mailto:wendyr at illinois.edu>

[cid:image002.png at 01D79E4B.D043F790]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/illinois.edu/__;!!PhOWcWs!iPEHX8OL1XmKCpJekevZPKXyY9Yg-6GCskUrd9V4Tyd5YaX1nWDuxzXpwH9Q8a5ZD2s$>


Postdoctoral Research Associate in Health, Aging, and Robotics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Description: The College of Applied Health Sciences at the University of Illinois is seeking a postdoctoral research associate with interests in health, aging, and robotics.  This unique opportunity will comprise two components: 50% as research fellow in the McKechnie Family LIFE Home<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.ahs.illinois.edu/life-home__;!!PhOWcWs!iPEHX8OL1XmKCpJekevZPKXyY9Yg-6GCskUrd9V4Tyd5YaX1nWDuxzXpwH9QTuuA39I$> and 50% as robotics researcher for projects in the Human Factors and Aging Laboratory<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.hfaging.org/__;!!PhOWcWs!iPEHX8OL1XmKCpJekevZPKXyY9Yg-6GCskUrd9V4Tyd5YaX1nWDuxzXpwH9QIjsydF0$>.  The position is for two years, pending funding and satisfactory performance.  (Additional years possible.)

The McKechnie Family LIFE Home is a cutting-edge research center focused on innovations in home environments. This facility mimics existing home dwellings as well as provides space for the development of next generation smart homes that would allow people of all ages and abilities to live fuller, healthier, and autonomous lives. Research and development efforts focus on a range of topics related to health and wellness to support independent living, healthcare needs, social interaction, and everyday activities.  The goal for the research fellow in the LIFE Home will be to a) to support outreach and provide technical expertise in LIFE Home-associated research projects, b) manage research communications for the LIFE Home, c) support the LIFE Home Assistant Director of Research in developing industry and faculty research collaborations, and d) provide mentorship and supervise undergraduate students.

The goal of the Human Factors and Aging Laboratory is to support successful aging for people of all abilities, through design for aging research in healthcare, social engagement, and everyday activities.  The laboratory is funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research.  The research for this position will focus on human-robot interaction, very broadly defined.  Specific projects will be determined based on shared interests but will involve assistive robots, social robots, telepresence robots, or personal robots to support the needs of older adults.  Projects are guided by theory, methodologically sound, and advance both fundamental knowledge and practice.

Qualifications: Successful candidates must have an earned doctorate in an affiliated discipline such as health technology, computer science, human-centered computing, human factors, robotics, or engineering-related field.  Candidates must have a commitment to interdisciplinary research collaborations and be interested in pursuing grants.  Strong communication skills – spoken and written – are critical, and should be evidenced by publications and presentations.  Experience mentoring undergraduates and junior graduate students is a plus.

Applications:  To apply, please send the following materials to Wendy Rogers at wendyr at illinois.edu<mailto:wendyr at illinois.edu>

  *   Curriculum Vitae

  *   Cover letter describing relevant experience and interest in health, aging, and robotics
  *   Three reference letters sent directly to Dr. Rogers via email.

For initial consideration, please send your materials by September 30, 2021.  The anticipated starting date is negotiable, but as soon as possible. For additional information, contact Wendy Rogers at 217-300-1470 or wendyr at illinois.edu<mailto:wendyr at illinois.edu>.

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