[Isl] ISL Planning Grant Program Now Open. Due March 25, 2019

Phoebe Kurtz kurtz at psy.fsu.edu
Wed Feb 27 09:31:05 EST 2019

Hello Affiliates,

This is a reminder that the ISL Planning Grant Program is open. The purpose of this program is to promote collaboration between FSU research faculty by providing funding for a new direction or continuing support of existing research or creative activity, with the goal being that the project will improve the opportunity for successful longevity in aging populations. This program is modeled on the CRC's planning grant program, so this proposal is seen as the first step toward collecting data that would lead to federal funding. The maximum award amount for the ISL Grant Program is $15,500.

a.       The application deadline is March 25, 2019

b.       To apply or for more information, please visit https://isl-fsu.us.fluidreview.com/<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__isl-2Dfsu.us.fluidreview.com_&d=DwMFaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=CYRsm9C_r32RIuYi11MWPRPWKJe6CyxUDAD8OIZdiDs&m=MgKHc1RD_br4Ein2-s92wqMULdWZVaTm8wYk89EyA44&s=We59GUyEuPnOTGHV2dM4xni58kUvbNu7_Tn9AnJjqZI&e=>

If you have any questions, please email isl at fsu.edu.


Phoebe Kurtz
Administrative Assistant, Institute for Successful Longevity
Florida State University
Claude Pepper Center 240

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