[Fla-facrlboard] FW: CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Panhandle Academic Libraries Conference

Michael Meth mmeth at fsu.edu
Fri Apr 26 15:39:12 EDT 2019

Hi folks,

Perhaps you recall me asking a while back about whether FACRL would be interested in hearing more about an academic librarians conference I’ve been working on in North Florida.  Well, it’s happening and I’m pleased to share information about the inaugural Panhandle Academic Libraries Conference below.  We’ve also created a website here https://www.plan.lib.fl.us/events/panhandle-academic-libraries-conference/.

A few questions for you:
1. Do you have any ideas for promoting the conference?  Would you be open to sharing this on the FACRL mail list?
2. Does FACRL want to participate/sponsor in any way?
3. The conference is open to all, so please feel free to submit proposals and register. Registration is free, and we’re hoping for sponsorship to cover meals and coffee break.
4. I’ll also keep you updated on the final schedule. We’re hoping to offer a couple of streaming sessions, incl. a keynote by Elijah Scott.

Let me know if you have any questions, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Best regards, and happy Friday,

Michael Meth
(Personal pronouns: He/him/his)
Associate Dean, Research and Learning Services
Florida State University Libraries

*** This email was sent from my mobile device. Please excuse any typos. ***
From: Panhandle Library Access Network, Inc. <rburgess at plan.lib.fl.us>
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 09:09
To: Michael Meth
Subject: CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Panhandle Academic Libraries Conference



Call for Proposals
Due May 13, 2019

Conference Date: July 12, 2019
Tallahassee, Florida

We would like to invite proposals for the first annual Panhandle Academic Libraries Conference on Friday, July 12, 2019 in Tallahassee.

With the support of the Panhandle Library Access Network (PLAN), we are pleased to present the first annual conference in the Panhandle for academic libraries.  Our theme is Making Connections, Building Bridges.

Libraries have long been places of connections—connections between people, ideas, and the community. Libraries are safe places on campus for students to discover new thoughts and ideas by interacting with fellow students and faculty. The academic library has been called the heart of the university or college, and as the center of the campus connecting learning and human interaction, this statement is as true today as ever.

The planning committee seeks session proposals for the conference, which will be held at the FLVC Tallahassee Office (1753 W. Paul Dirac Dr.) on Friday, July 12, 2019.

We seek proposals related to the conference theme in the areas of:

  *   Subject Librarianship
  *   Collaborations
  *   Collections and Funding
  *   Instruction
  *   Technology
  *   Innovation

Share your experiences, both successes and learning opportunities, with your Panhandle colleagues. We will accept a maximum of TWO proposals per presenter (including individual and panel presentations).

DEADLINE:Proposals are due by 11:59 p.m. EST on Monday, May 13, 2019. Applicants will be notified about their proposal status by May 20, 2019.


Panel Discussion
40-minute discussion with 10 minute Q&A
Two to four panelists will provide multiple, diverse perspectives on a topic or theme, followed by 10 minutes of question and answer from the audience. Proposal abstracts should highlight practical takeaways for attendees.

40-minute presentation with 10 minute Q&A
Presenter(s) will speak with the audience for 40 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of question and answer from the audience. Proposal abstracts should highlight practical takeaways for attendees.

Interactive Workshop
50 minutes
Presenters will engage attendees in active, hands-on learning. Proposal abstracts should present a clear description of the activity as well as highlight the practical takeaways for attendees.

Roundtable Discussion
50 minutes
Attendees are encouraged to participate in informal group discussions on topics of interest. Proposal abstracts should include sample questions that facilitators plan to use.

We are excited for this first conference, and hope you will join us.

Your conference organizing team:

  *   Michael Meth (Florida State University), Conference Chair
  *   Melissa Davis (Pensacola State College)
  *   Mike Lane (Pensacola State College)
  *   Alvin Lee (Florida A&M University)
  *   Valerie Boulos (Florida State University)
  *   Jenni McKnight (Florida State University)
  *   David Russell (Gulf Coast State College)

Submit Proposal<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3D001-2D-2DmRK3UOuTuju1Dh8hkN5PcRxbilUuB873x4VOsqSPJpgX1euI0qrjTO39RmASGzqBFMI0gTM1NjO-5FWg-5Fq6Ofitj5xRmRUCuLI-2Drk4M0wPWQKOwSLtOiappaTmrRMVJVPnPQIFdlBKc4I256IH5-2D7sXnkStqgD2k-26c-3DPbZ8M0MgErFKMJ1vonJlBXwC4ii1nEESc71Y96P6jglgkaJZBtJEVQ-3D-3D-26ch-3DC1LOk07bBxu4-2DL820TrtvUM3VLpsvzmdHT8wmkjADVIGsU0RmEDrvg-3D-3D&d=DwMCaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=u1MPjWaW8SdJEYZc72ETiQ&m=qJSZZA5tWSEFxIVaP-hKWHr_QAXxoXyl9J5rEB80HRs&s=E9FanAw-01Jpv1QbzpVN_v79Am_5MHAr6JLVPPJzwtM&e=>


[IMLS Logo]

These programs are funded in part under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, administered by the Florida Department of State's Division of Library and Information Services.

[Facebook]‌ <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3D001-2D-2DmRK3UOuTuju1Dh8hkN5PcRxbilUuB873x4VOsqSPJpgX1euI0qrk9uI1DS9thcAsSqyb59y28b5JNjh32vqVsHzJry1CYwJ-2DjRAYnm6jzL34UboUgbECYFrEXHpmoOfaSWErSjl-2DtYNJaOcFS7PGmBPaLa-5FlE5V88VoV1TerA-3D-26c-3DPbZ8M0MgErFKMJ1vonJlBXwC4ii1nEESc71Y96P6jglgkaJZBtJEVQ-3D-3D-26ch-3DC1LOk07bBxu4-2DL820TrtvUM3VLpsvzmdHT8wmkjADVIGsU0RmEDrvg-3D-3D&d=DwMCaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=u1MPjWaW8SdJEYZc72ETiQ&m=qJSZZA5tWSEFxIVaP-hKWHr_QAXxoXyl9J5rEB80HRs&s=1Vde5T1EMFgL-5ciFu3k4h9KKB9DevQedabIVvQaALw&e=> [Twitter] ‌ <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__r20.rs6.net_tn.jsp-3Ff-3D001-2D-2DmRK3UOuTuju1Dh8hkN5PcRxbilUuB873x4VOsqSPJpgX1euI0qrgzhOVNH5qNo4AaHRCAZEEpEeyX9fEm3JZL4ORP0vJ2jl79vSdNLX4-5FYlWNEd1sh9ZYBrdWpcO22KHPM5skPxTSFaKaGnCSrWnkeE0VZ-2DJu0-26c-3DPbZ8M0MgErFKMJ1vonJlBXwC4ii1nEESc71Y96P6jglgkaJZBtJEVQ-3D-3D-26ch-3DC1LOk07bBxu4-2DL820TrtvUM3VLpsvzmdHT8wmkjADVIGsU0RmEDrvg-3D-3D&d=DwMCaQ&c=HPMtquzZjKY31rtkyGRFnQ&r=u1MPjWaW8SdJEYZc72ETiQ&m=qJSZZA5tWSEFxIVaP-hKWHr_QAXxoXyl9J5rEB80HRs&s=EzvX1qJFj3GqGEP2uWO1uVwqsgK9ur-xXnyCWWM-EWA&e=>

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