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Hi All,<br>
Quick reminder - given recent changes related to the reintroduction of focus areas, please remember to consult the “focus area” sheets as the authority regarding pre & co-reqs. The information in these is up to date and accurate info:<br>
While we are currently working with the Registrar to correct the bulletin (which pre-populates components within the course search) our advisors are using and directing students toward focus area sheets as the authority and “course notes” within the scheduling
system provides accurate information as well.<br>
Thanks so much, and I hope you all have a great first week of classes!<br>
Jeff Beekman<br>
Pronouns: he, him, his<br>
Associate Professor<br>
Associate Chair<br>
Department of Art<br>
Florida State University<br>
405.650.9276 (cell)<br>